Thursday, June 7, 2012


 We went blueberry picking today and it was pretty awesome. This was more like a blueberry orchard it was very neat and I have NEVER even heard of blueberry trees but these were literally trees and not bushes. Really neat.

 SO SO juicy and sweet and tomorrow I will be making scones for sure :)
 I love how Conner is peeking from behind Tripp

 SO neat.....we will be going back VERY soon :)

 Brothers :) our neighbors from down the street met us there....these boys were very diligent in filling up their baskets and bellies  ;)
 Baby Christopher probably ate more green ones and a whole lot of dirt but enjoyed himself quite a bit while doing it :)

 the group minus Christopher
 W went home made lunch  then I packed up got all the kidos dressed and we headed for the pool. We have been going just about every day for at least an hour. We did not last very long today tho we had quite a bit of rain lately so the water was a bit cold.

 We came home kids made themselves a "home" tent with as many blankets as they could find and requested GREEN cupcakes.
So of course I made them green cupcakes. Yeah they are spoiled :) but they played so nicely that I could not refuse. 

Now I'm gonna go snuggle up with hubby and watch a movie the house is quiet after all and who knows I may even have another one of those green cupcakes.


Janice said...

The blueberries look delicious. It looks like summer is off to a good start for your family.

Melissa said...

Love those green cupcakes! :) Mmmmm...blueberries! We're anticipating our annual trip to Michigan! We get our fill of them every year up there and try to bring back as many as we can for freezing because they are SO much better than what we can get in the stores here!!! Enjoy!!!