Friday, June 1, 2012

just a little update...

I just took a sleeping pill and I'm drinking sleepy time tea so not sure how far I will get on this post....haha......might just zonk out. 

I'm not sure what happened to May.....C R A Z Y. I feel like we just skipped right over May and it never happened but so much did happened in 31 days that I don't even know where to begin. I'm not even going to begin to recap any of the happenings so I will start just by sharing a few pictures. 

I took the kids to the aquarium the other day...haha....I wanted to say yesterday but it's been like 3 days now. Seriously where does the time go. 

 Baby stuff is walking now I have a video coming soon maybe even tomorrow we will see how the day goes. Lots to get done tomorrow and Neal is of course working :/
 The Nadagascar exhibit is now open and VERY neat so the kids had fun exploring all the new animals.
petting a BIG bug thing. I want to say it was a cockroach but I'm not positive. Not easy keeping track of 4 kids in a VERY crowded place :)

 watching the dive show
 petting the star fish of course
 and the brave guys petting the baby crock

Waiting for the 4D movie. Not a good idea baby was NOT at all happy with the loud noises but what really freaked him out was the water spraying. The only kids that did well was actually Ethan but I think it's because he was the only one that was just small enough to avoid all the 4D affects :)
 Playing in the fountains
 After the aquarium we drove downtown to the pier and had a picnic right on the harbor then walked around a bit.  We waited for 20 minutes for a swing and FINALLY the girl got up and this older couple STOLE the seat from us. I was not happy and I had to tell the kids we just needed to head home :(
On our way back to the car we saw a group of dolphins which is always pretty neat.

It was a fun day we will for sure do it again. 

I am finishing up the hall mess still. I am SO close to being done now just need one more coat on the spindles of the railing then the trim work around the attic entrance and the hall WILL BE DONE> I am ready for it to be not it has taken forever. I am really starting to get drowsy and Neal just got home so I will leave it at that. I promise I will do better in June at updating. I will try my hardest anyway ;)


Angie said...

May is just the beginning of crazy. Summer fills up fast and then its off to school. Enjoy it!! Looks like the aquarium pass has paid off!! Looks like fun. Ethan looks so big!! That's a lot of "looks" lol

The Papendorfs said...

very cute pictures and yay for walking :) It just goes even faster now :P I just finally updated my blog too so don't feel bad!