Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My helper....

It quickly turned into goofing around :)
Sch a little trouble maker, adventure seeker, sweet huger, owie kisser, wild and obnoxious at times but my sweet sweet little man.
Well it started out as helping!!

It's just hair.....

but why does it bother me so much that I'm loosing it all. I really do think I may go bald!!! I was hoping that it would stop falling out by now but still handfuls continue to come out. It will grow back right?!?!?!?!?

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Babby Ethan....

baby Ethan finally learned to roll :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Hard to believe...

It's amazing to me that July is half way over. It seems like just yesterday I was 9 months pregnant and shoveling the snow off our driveway. Before we know it we will be making trips to local apple orchards and picking pumpkins for Halloween. Time seems to be just flying by these days. It seems like it has been such a mild summer this year. We have barely turned on the air and most nights sleep with the windows open. Usually I really enjoy the hot summer days but this year the mild weather has been nice.

We have been keeping busy around here. Going here and there and it seems like all I do is pack and unpack and do laundry. Almost looking forward to August and for things to settle down a bit. We are still feeling very content in our little apartment here in Johnson Creek. It's been rather nice not having the responsibility of a house :) We do miss having a back yard but have enjoyed quite a few visits to the beach. We park our chairs on the shore and watch Conner play in the water and sand...very relaxing. We have decided that we might have to buy something on the water one day :) If we ever get to a point in our lives where we are in a position of doing so but for now we will continue to make the drive to a lake or pool!!!

My struggles with weight loss continue and once again I'm feeling frustrated. I'm close to my goal now but the last 10 pounds are just killing me. The hungry feeling in my tummy never leaves and even with the running and exercising and watching what I eat the scale continues to stay put....grrrr. Neal has started runnign with me which has been nice but also a little frustrating for me because in 2 weeks he has lost over 10 pounds just by adding running to his rutine and I've put on a few pounds. Not fair!!!! Ohh well...I am feeling much better though so that's important.

Neals work is going well. It seems like the transition to this store was much easier for him than any other store that he has been at. I see him growing and learning every day. He does not seem to dread going to work as much as he used to so that is nice to see. It helps that he is no longer working nights. I have this strange feeling that we wont be in Johnson Creek for a very long time...I guess we will see what the future will bring though.

Well I think I've writen down all that's in my head tonight. Maybe I can actually get a good night sleep now. That is if Conner does not wake me up screaming 5 or 6 times for the 4th or 5th night in a row.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Fun in the sun days....

The little sand boy!!!
A cute little duck family!!!
Uncle Mike and Conner sitting on the cooler and snacking.
Kasia and Ethan the pool!!!

We are enjoying our WI lakes as often as we can and a few pool days as's been such a mild summer though that most of the timeit's just too cold for swimming but we enjoy just sitting by the water.

Happy b-day Neal....

Yesterday was Neal's 27th we are so close to 30 now. Hard to believe!!! Just a little happy b-day shout out to my one and only, a great father and my best friend!!!! Hope you had a good one!!!

Great America....

Part of the group here all together taking a break...
Conner and I on a kids roller coaster.
Angie and I with the kids waiting to go on a ride.

On Monday we went to Great America with a huge group....My sister and Steve and their girls Madzia and , Kasia, Mike, Angie, Mallory, Tommy Neal and I and our kids. I have to say that by the time we got home around 1:00AM we were BEAT but we had a great time and would love to do it again. I was even able to go on quite a few rides which I did not expect at all thanks everyone for helping with the kidos.

Milwaukee Zoo.....

Last week we went to the Milwaukee zoo. It was SO much fun. I took WAY too many pictures but this one is by far my favorite. If you would like you can see the rest of them here....


Wow it's been a week since our friends Sara and Simon came to visit us. Thanks for coming and playing with was fun and I wish we were closer that we could do it more often....miss you guys and our play dates. The boys played well WITH each other which surprised us a little I just wish I got a picture of Sara's cute belly....she is half way there now!!!! Although sorry to say the 2nd half is much longer and much harder. It's all worth it though.


Sleeping under the bed....
Who needs a queen size bed when his animals and pillows make a soft and comfy place to sleep on!!!

4 months old already....

Test run in the high chair...seemed to like it :)
Mmmmmm yummmyyyyy!!! He did ok with his first taste of real food :)
Numm numm!!!!

Ethan had his 4 month check up yesterday. Hard to believe that he's that old.
He is 13lbs 7 oz (20th percentile) and 25.25 inches long (90th percentile). Healthy little man!!!!
Conner at 4.2 months was 14lb 10oz and 25.25 inches long. So they are very similar in size.

The Dr. feels that having to nurse every 1-2 hours is too much so he told me to try solids hoping that that will keep him fuller longer. Lets hope it works cuz I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing this!!! 8 more months of nursing left and I already feel the need to be done with it!!!

Ethan's new look....

Baby Ethan got a summertime buzz : ( His hair was falling out and looked very patchy and weird so we buzzed it. Mommy was not too happy about it but he still looks cute.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Dear NIKON users....we are heading to the aquarium in Chicago next week does anyone have picture taking tips for me?!?!?!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So sad...

My baby Ethan is loosing his hair :( I knew it would happen but I hoped that he would keep it. His crib mattress is covered in little strands of black :(

My hair has NOT stopped falling out yet depressing to pull out handfuls in the shower and not to mention all that I brush out afterwords. It's so thin now!!!! I think I may just go and have it cut maybe then at least it will not be as noticeable since it's so long now. I'm just trying to remember that eventually it will get better again.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Razem w parku....

Konrad zbiera kwiatuszki!!
Ethan zajada kwiatuszki!!!
Kasia pszebiera malego!!! bylo udane!!!! Kasia uczyla sie latac!!!
Dumny tato!!!
Mala malpka!!!
Dwie male malpki!!!
Kasia z naszym malym chlopakiem!!!

Kasia nad jeziorem....

Kochana Kasia z Babcia!!

Zlota rybko....zlota rybko....
Ja z panem Siminskim!!!
Pan Siminski pokazuje Konradowi rybke....nie byl on tym bardzo zachwycony. Bardiej go interesojea kamienie i patyki :)
Rybki....troche sie ich Konrad boi!!!
Ja z Konradem!!
Babcia z Konradem bawia sie w wodzie!!!

Kasia i Konrad
Konrad bawi sie klockami w parku!!!
Tato z panem Siminskim na bolcie!!!
Mamusia z Eathan!!!
Kasia bawi kuzyna!!!