Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Little kicks!!!

Neal was able to feel the baby kick for the first time today...I'm half way there now and starting to feel the discomforts of pregnancy and getting HUGE!!! I'm feeling much better the last 2 weeks...not sure if the baby moved or something shifted because my hip and butt and leg have not been bothering me too much. I'm guessing that maybe the sciatic nerve is not being pressed as much by the baby for the time being : ) We have our ultrasound on Monday and I can't wait...getting very excited about that. The time seems to be flying by so fast for us...Neal has been super busy with work and sometimes I wish that he was not salary...we would be rich with all the extra hours that he puts in around this time of the year. The holidays will be over before we know it though!!!

We are once again faced with some difficult decisions with our house here in Eau Claire but that is life and no one said that it's easy it's just frustrating. It seems like every time we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel we get sucked back in but you go where the wind blows and try to do the best you can. It will sure be nice to be settled and a bit more secure though...something to look forward to I guess : )


Angie said...

what happened with the house??

Bernadetta said...

not sure just yet...we are waiting to hear back from them again.