Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Neal caved!!!

So Neal caved and got him muffin for Conner. He did not eat all afternoon either and as usual after a long stretch of not eating he was up half the night throwing up. Sigh....I feel like the doctors really steered us in the wrong direction with his eating habits. They told me to give him whatever he wanted since he was not gaining enough weight and now he won't eat anything but what HE WANTS (which means snacks)and it's impossible to break and he is not putting on any more weight. At least before he used to try new things and eat at least a little bit at each meal and now I'm at a loss as to what to do. We have tried everything that we can think of and nothing works. I started a food log for him and we will try and take him to nutritionist to see if there is anything that I can do to improve the situation. Suggestions are WELCOME everyone!!!!


Cheri said...

Elliot is the total my suggestions may not be much help. What if snacks/juice weren't even available? I know apple juice (dunno if he drinks that) is linked with failure to thrive. You could try having him help cook (pride of ownership), sitting in a big chair/drinking from a big cup, or even ignoring the behavior. Sometimes kids do things to get even negative attention...or to feel like they have control. Hope you find something that helps!

Bernadetta said...

Thanks Cheri....we have tried all those. He only gets 1/2 to 1 cup of juice a day. I have noticed that trying to force the issue or make a big deal out of it makes it even worst but sometimes it just gets so frustrating and worrysome when he eats NOTHING for days and then is up at night throwing up. I just try and repet to myself that this will pass!!!

Cheri said...

I kinda figured it was nothing you hadn't already thought of! Sometimes E gets a notion he doesn't want to eat, and I know it makes it worse when we make a big deal out of it...but we do it too!!!!

Melissa said...

Hmm...reverse psychology always works pretty well on Andrew. It usually goes a little something like this...Andrew refuses to eat a given food. I say, "Do NOT eat that (the given food) making my eyes huge and dramatic, pretending to be mortified if he even takes a single taste of it! He then thinks it's a game and obliges to eating it...sometimes I have to continue playing along, of course. Other times, when I'm feeling a bit more serious, I'll simply treat the item like a forbidden food and he can't have it right away. He often changes his mind if he thinks it's something he "can't" have. Hang in there! It's definitely not easy and there's probably no easy answer! Trial and error...