Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sick babies and tired parents....

Kids have been sick here the last few days. It started out with Ethan running a fever of 102 for a few days and I just figured it was from his teeth but when Thursday night Conner woke up at midnight with the same fever of 102 I knew something was up. Last night I noticed that Ethan's feet had a couple blisters on them but figured that it was just a bug bite or something but then this morning his feet and hands are just covered. So of course I looked it up and it looks like they have HFMD :( Ethan's fever is gone now but Conner is still running a low one and no signs of blisters yet but they usually appear a few days later. It's the mouth ones that are irritable and make it difficult for them to eat and drink. So it should be fun around here for the next few days. They have been waking up like every hour at night so between the two of them I'm really not sleeping at all. Although Neal is willing to help me only mom will do especially with Ethan so I'm a bit tired but feel so bad for the boys.

Hoping this goes away quickly!!!  


Melissa said...

Oh! Thinking of you! It's never easy being on call 24/7!! Hope everyone gets better SOON! Hugs!!

Janice said...

I hope the kiddos get to feeling better soon.

Angie said...

yucky! well at least i can find comfort in knowing i'm not the only one up in the wee hours of the night! i hope the kids do get better soon. poor things.