I found this website with tons of tutorials on how to draw different things....cartoons, animals, people....it has step by step instructions. It keeps Conner busy for hours....he LOVES it!!!
Big stuff....loves to play in the bathroom.
Neal had to go to Georgia for a night and the kids and I went along. I love having a routine my kids do really well with a routine. It's nice when we are home because I can easily work around nap times, eating times and so on but as soon as anything takes them out of their routine they turn into MONSTERS. Needless to say we are glad to be home. We did have some fun though even with things not really going according to plan with Neal's work. We stayed really close to the beach in Georgia but things did not go according to plan and we did not make it to those beaches but made it to the ones right on the border of South Carolina and Georgia....WOW WHAT A beautiful area and the beaches were fantastic.
white sandy beaches
I attempted once again a picture of all 3 of them together....it's impossible!
We found a very cool tree to climb on.
Looking for crocodiles
So pretty
testing the water....brrr....it's cold now
sand angeles
They did not want to leave......can't till it's warm enough for us to actually put suits on and play in the water
Playing in the tree again.
I am EXHAUSTED....Chris did not sleep last night at the hotel and I was up with him most the night. He was SO glad to be in his bed tonight it was sweet. I nursed him then put him in his crib he looked up at me gave me a huge grin then turned on his tummy tucked his knees under his belly and went to sleep.....it was adorable....he loves his bed :)
Great pictures & it looks like a nice little get away but it sounds like a relief to be home! :) Cute blog too!
Thanks for posting such awesome pictures....helped 'warm' me up a little as I sit here with frozen fingers! :) Glad you all could go on the quick trip together!
so cute, love all the pictures! so beautiful!
Awesome pictures!!! I know what you mean about being away from home...our kids end up soooo cranky! It'll get better as they get older...I hope. :)
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