Saturday, December 8, 2012

A little bit of everything....

 The other day while I was cleaning up the toy room Christopher was yelling "all daaaaa mommmmyyyyyyyy" "mommmmmyyyyy alll daaaa" I ignored him for a while but eventually I went to see what he was done with :) I found him IN the sink brushing his teeth. At least the water was not on. My little monkey!
 In the car he kept on putting his hand to his ear saying "hawow...hawow....hawow" and giggling away.
 At the beach doing our family picture....we only get one once a year.
 Mama and her munchkins......I love these boys so much. Last week a little boy in 1st grade died suddenly of an asthma attack. I have broken down in tears several times I can't even BEGIN to imagine what that family is going through. I pray that that family can find some kind of peace somehow.
 Our little family.
 We visited the festival of lights again. SO much fun we drove through 3 times. They put on a fantastic show.
 Yeah he was PRETTY happy to get to drive
 How can you not smile

 This years sand sculpture

 Roasting marshmellows at the festival of lights

 Still my favorite.
 We celebrated Conners SIXTH b-day. His b-day was on Monday but Neal was home which was super nice. We took in cupcakes for his classmates and I picked him up from school early then we headed to the movies. We saw Rise of the Guardians a very cute movie. After the movie we came home and the house was all decorated which Conner thought was super fun.

 We had a few friends over for pizza and cake.
After he finished opening presents he got to FINALLY see his room. He had no idea that I had finished it.

 Our baby is SIX.
 Mr. Chris and Chris....yeah they are buds.
 Opening presents.

Now on to the rest of December....lots of fun things happening almost every week.