Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fun weekend!!!

On Sunday G'ma and G'pa came to see us!!! Conner was so happy to see them especially since he got some new cars and some mini M&M's...thanks G'ma and G'pa!!!
Sunday lunch!!!
Neal Mike and I have been playing poker a lot the last few days unfortunately I'm not doing so well I guess that it's not for real money so I'm way too willing to gamble : ) I would not get very far in Vegas...ha ha.
Loren and Mike on one of the roller coasters!!

Conner was a little scared of the shark person!!
He loved the duck....we spent lots of time with this little fella.
Loren and Mike waiting in line for the roller coaster!!!
Taking a break!!!!
Daddy Mommy and Conner went on a balloon ride which Conner just LOVED....he was a bit hesitant at first when we were getting strapped in but when we started moving it was all giggles.

Well it's almost the weekend again but I have not had the time to post anything from our fun filled time with Aunt Alissa and Uncle Loren : ) They came to visit us on Friday night and stayed with us till Sunday. We went to the mall of America on Saturday and I have to say that I was a bit overwhelmed by the size of that place. I could not believe all the levels and all the fun things they had there especially for the little ones. I have never seen an inside roller coaster and amusement park...I felt like a little kid trying to take it all in. I had an adventure of my own towards the end of our visit to the mall of America!!! I needed to use the restroom so I decided to break away from our little group and after telling them where I was headed I guess I did not pay close enough attention as to what they were doing...maybe I just heard what I wanted to hear and not what they were really telling me...anyway about an hour and a half later of endless wandering and searching and a bit of panic and frustration Mike came to my rescue and found me : ) My night in shining armor...ha ha. That's really how I felt after an hour and a half of searching in one of the biggest places I have ever been to. We were all reunited and tired of walking and ready to head home.

The ride home was quite entertaining for me as well...Neal and Mike were serenading me the WHOLE 2 hour ride home. I think I heard PARTS of every country song ever written and my personal favorite was "I feel like a woman" by Shenia Twain....classic!!! Neal missed a few exits too because he was so into the singing....I tried to get it on my camera but every time I turned it on they stopped singing....I guess that they knew it would be posted on my blog for everyone to hear. Conner slept only 15 minutes the entire day and did not go to bed till well after 11:00...I giuess after all that excitement he had a hard time seteling down!!!

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