Monday, September 22, 2008

Productive morning!!!

Way to go me!!! I went through all my pictures this morning and organized them by month then by category now all I have left is to label them. I wish that I would just do this as I load them on the computer but I'm not so good at doing that. I also went through all my e-mail and saved any pictures I may have received there and sorted through the mail. All I need to do now is to save the pictures to a disk and put it in a safe place...the challenging part is remembering where I put the disk when I actually need it.

Conner is doing all better but we are still going to see the Dr. as soon as I am able to get him in, maybe even this afternoon, still waiting to hear from the clinic!!! When I put him on the scale this morning he actually lost some weight which to me is scary at this age. We will see what's going on or what I need to do to get this little guy to put on some weight and avoid these throwing up episodes.

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