Friday, February 26, 2010


I just noticed that I have officially the lowest amount of posts this month since starting my blog. Need to change that huh! I guess things are a bit boring around here lately. I do have some fun pictures from a water park trip to share one of these days. I feel like my camera has been on vacation lately. I really need to snap out of this slump I'm in right now. Spring come on get here already. I find myself checking the weather many times a day hoping that somehow things are looking a little more hopeful and they are next week it's going to be in the upper 30's...yay. We really do need to move south this time of the year really starts getting to me. I'm so ready to be outside, go running, go to the beach, lay in the grass and play tag with my kids. To wear flip flops and tank tops and not have to worry about MANY MANY layers. It takes me 30 min. or longer to get myself and the kids dressed in layers just to head out the door. The south is sounding better every day!!At least it's now nice and sunny!!! Well I'm done complaining for this morning and time to get some things done around here....

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