I had a rough morning today....sick and tired and unmotivated. As I was checking my e-mail I was thinking to myself that today would be a good day to stay home catch up on laundry, cleaning, a project I needed to finish with Conner but then I looked at the weather and saw a high of 75 degrees and well my to do list went out the window and I made some coffee and headed out on a little adventure. Since apple season is almost over I decided that an orchard would be a perfect way to spend a beautiful day. Since our GPS was stolen and I did not know how to get there I printed my directions from Map Quest and headed out. Well the exit I needed to take was closed due to construction, BTW what is going on with ALL the construction lately it seems like every road is undergoing some kind of work!!! Well I drove for like 10 miles before I could turn around and then I decided to try my own way, big mistake, so I got lost....really lost!!! I was in the middle of nowhere only farms and country roads in sights when I hear this thump thump thump noise.....yup a flat tire. So I called Neal and told him I have no idea were I am at but please come find me and (as Conner would say) save the day!! I could have figured out how to change it myself but Neal did not trust that idea :) The kids and I went on a little walk and found a church that Neal was able to find in a GPS he purchased. We really could not have found a more perfect place to be stuck at with two little ones for almost 2 hours. Right next to a huge farm with all these animals, goats, pigs, horses, lamas the kids had a blast feeding the animals and running around. They even had benches along the fence....so yes I am looking on the bright side of things and not counting this incident as part of our stream of bad luck lately. We even got to have lunch with dad and he got off work for like 4 hours since we were stranded an hour from the Target he works at!!! He really did save the day!!!
This particular goat was very friendly... |
I mean very friendly......but Conner did not seem to mind. |
Ethan was pretty brave with the animals too. |
Their eyes are so weird... |
The kids found some leaves that the goats really enjoyed... |
This little horse was just so weird to me.... |
Fun times.... |
Ethan just chillin at the picnic table... |
It was a nail..... |
The boys helping daddy fix the tire!!! |
Yes we did eventually make it to the apple orchard. We were only 3 miles away....go figure!! On the way home I asked Conner what his favorite part was, with a huge grin he told me "I wuved apple picking mama" Sorry for the picture overload but like I said in previous posts I've really neglected my camera lately and I'm just making up for lost time.
Pretty... |
He liked sitting in the basket....a lot!!! |
Yum... |
I love this picture though I need to do a little editing. | |
I just love fall colors. |
They had wagons there so I pulled them around....wow that was a workout. |
I'm in LOVE with this picture. |
It was hard getting a picture without an apple in hand :) |
See..... |
Then the kids convinced me to walk down to the pond for a little while. |
A treat on the way home from our adventure. Ethan was out..... |
Well it ended up being a fun day after all. I even managed to get the house all cleaned all the laundry washed and even our sheets....do not look in the kitchen though ;) Tomorrow is another day I guess!!!
Sounds like a fun day with lots accomplished too... inspite of the flat tire.
Well I'd say your bad luck was just blessing in disguise! You got to visit a farm, have lunch with Neal AND go apple picking, (and clean up the house although that's not really fun - it is an accomplishment)! What fun and awesome pictures. I too love the one of Ethan in the basket. That is a "print out and hand on the wall ASAP" picture. :)
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