Thursday, February 10, 2011


Things break in two at our house and the last few weeks it's been on a daily basis it seems. A couple days ago (within minutes of each other) the power adapter on my computer died (usually it shorts out first this time there was no warning at all it just quit) and then the battery on Neals computer completely lost it's charge so if it gets unplugged even for a second the computer turns off.....annoying but at least we can still use it as long as it's plugged in. My computer is literally a piece of junk....the speakers do not work, it's glued with super glue, it can only be turned on by turning on the DVD player (haha which does not work) ohh and most annoying of all Conner spilled juice on it a long time ago and when I type the keys stick but it works for what I need and right now I miss it A LOT!!! Can't wait for the new adapter to get here.

Neal is working tonight then he is off FOR A WEEK and then he starts at the new store. SO looking forward to him having the time off. We were thinking of going to FL tomorrow and staying with some friends for a few days but then decided that it be best if we just stay home. We still have a busy few days planned ahead and it should be fun....REALLY looking forward to the time together. The weather looks FANTASTIC for next week....mid 40's I will take that anytime. Most of the snow will probably melt away. I'm sure we still have quite a few cold days in store for us but it seems like spring might be on it's way :))))

Kids are napping now and I need to go through Ethans closet and get rid of things that no longer fit and then pack the boys up for a night at their aunts house!!!! Ready or not sis here they come!!!


Angie said...

Hope your computer cord and battery come soon! I hate computer troubles too. WHAT would be do w/o them. We would be so bored. For sure.

Angie said...

BTW - maybe we can do a trip to FL this fall! We're probably going in Sept again. Just a thought. :)

Bernadetta said...

We are hoping that by this fall we will be LIVING somewhere near the ocean so maybe you can come visit us :)