Thursday, April 21, 2011

"I like to see mothers love their children and not just put up with them" - Ben Colson

Since I heard that the other day it just keeps coming back to me. I am truly trying to enjoy every moment of my kids because I am so often reminded by those older than me who have grown children that "it goes so quick" and "one day you will miss this" I LOVE my babies so much and they are my whole world. I am really struggling with dividing my attention right now between all 4 of my boys and I know it will get easier once Christopher figures out that crying all the time is not that fun but for now I am just struggling to give all 4 of them the attention they need and deserve.


Sara, Justin, Simon and Max said...

Thank you for the reminder, Betta! I'm really trying to work on this, too, life is so full of "busy" that you miss the sweet moments if you aren't careful. :( I don't know if you had fussy babies before this but Max had terrible reflux and for the first few months, Simon got no attention cuz Max cried constantly. It was super hard on us for many reasons but now they are the best of friends and we got through it. I guess I'm just trying to give you a hug through the internet and encourage you to keep on!!! :)

Angie said...

good advice you got there - he would know! most days i feel like im just trying to make it through the day. have to make sure i don't look back and have regrets. will be sure to give my kids lots of hugs and kisses today.

Melissa said...

Hang in there, girl! :) I don't know if your other two had this fussy phase?? Keitan was our fussy one...started at about 4 weeks and lasted until about 12 weeks, which they say is normal! He'd just cry nonstop in the evenings!!! I have a picture of Kurt asleep beside the bouncer with his hand still holding the pacifier in Keitan's mouth and Keitan fast asleep too...they'd both just conked out in exhaustion! LOL! It does eventually go away!! :)