Sunday, May 8, 2011


After an exceptionally bad night last night and HOURS of screaming from my lil' man I am exhausted. Ohh and nursing and being used as a pacifier can be a little tiring too. Well we made it to here and I feel better now. I went to the gym early early this morning for a run just to get away for just a little bit from the crying and got a 2 mile run in. Neal is working today and I wish he could be home. I did take an hour nap after lunch with the kids and feel a little better now though Christopher was still kinda crying/whining in his sleep and so it was not a very deep sleep. I think if I could sleep I would sleep for HOURS. I am enjoying a little quiet time now before the kids wake up then I will try and work up enough energy to take them outside and enjoy the beautiful weather and possibly get some shopping done :p I bought some lemons the other day and I would love to make some lemon bars sounds so yummy to me right now :) I think I better make a fresh pot of coffee though first.

By the way I did give up all forms of caffeine (including chocolate) and dairy for a week and it did not make a difference for Christopher so our last resort is just to really wait it out and I am SO glad to have coffee again :)

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I so sorry nothing worked for you and your screaming baby!!! He sure is a cutie! Maybe we'll get to meet him next time you are visiting your sis-in-law in IA. :)