Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yesterday Conner and Ethan went in to have their eyes checked again. Good news is that Conner no longer has to wear the eye patch. His lazy eye is now as strong as his good eye. The other good news is that the MRI came back ok and he will not have to have the surgery to relieve any pressure on a nerve through the back of his head. The bad news is that the glasses are not correcting the lazy eye and it's still turned in quite a bit :( this means that he will still have to have surgery. We are still going to give him 1-3 months to see if there are any changes. He does not use the glasses very much most of the time he looks above them so we need to give him a little more time to adjust. I believe it's an outpatient surgery but don;t know the details yet. I still hope that we will not have to do surgery...poor little guy. But on the other hand it's better to get this corrected now, we would not want him to go through life with a lazy eye that's for sure.

Ethan's eyes are perfect so that was a relief. We were pretty proud of Ethan he just looked so big sitting in that chair and just answering all the questions. He just looked so big :) He is just so easy whatever you want to me kind of attitude. We had to PIN Conner down to the table and hold his head still for the nurse to dilate his eyes Ethan just sat back and did not even blink. Proud of both of them though.

I was so glad that Neal was able to go with me. Christopher started crying about half way into the 4 hour appointment and once he starts I can't put him down or he SCREAMS.

Dentist is next....we missed our last appointment because I got influenza and now I need to find a new dentist.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Connor and Tommy sound like the same kid. Tommy cried the ENTIRE time at this check-up yesterday. He wouldn't even stand on the scale! I had to hold him then they subtracted my weight lol Very embarrassing act from him, that's for sure. And there is nothing to make him stop. Not even bribery. Glad Ethan's eyes are good and hope Connor doesn't have to go through surgery. Also glad Neal was able to help you out!