Friday, May 20, 2011

Yesterday was Neals day off and it's always so nice when we can be all together. The kids and I have been home bound because I'm potty training Ethan so we are mostly home with short trips here and there. Yesterday we really wanted to be outside and Neal heard of this Thai Garden place that is free but really pretty so we decided to check it out.  It was really really pretty and we had a super nice time.
Mr Handsome!!! Potty training is not going so well. I am so mad at myself for not sticking to it at 20 months because he did better than. Ohh well I was miserable then and I'm determined now to get this done. He is staying dry just about all day but I have to tell him to sit on the potty and go he will not let me know when he has to go.
It was so pretty and it will just get better as the flowers really start blooming and things start turning green. We did not even see the entire garden it was that big so we will be going back for sure and the best part was that it was free.

This little guy slept the entire time.
3 of my boys.
he loves to ride right there
how pretty is this

silly boys....they had a fun time too

They had matching shirts on but on the way there Conner got a really bad bloody nose. There was blood everywhere all over his pants and shirt and arms so we had to turn around and go home to get him changed. Anyone have suggestions for getting blood out. It's also all over the seat belt.

After the garden Neal treated us to MY FAVORITE Olive Garden :) It was so yummy!!!In the afternoon we packed the kids up and went for a run on one of the many trails of Madison....well it's the same trail but it goes all over Madison. This stretch goes through a wooded area and a neighborhood with houses that average in the 1.5 million :) It is really really pretty with lots of twists and turns and bridges and lots of inclines and declines. It was a really good workout and I'm sore this morning. Not used to pushing the stroller anymore. It was so much fun though....our little cheerleaders did not let us slow down :)I could not run the entire time those hills were a killer Neal did great though. Our days when Neal is home go by way too quick.


Melissa said...

Use Hydrogen Peroxide to get the blood out. I've done that a few times and it's worked great! Good luck!

Janice said...

Sounds like a very pretty place... and can't beat the price :) We'll have to check that out sometime when we are in Madison.

Melissa said...

That looks just beautiful!!! We'll definitely have to meet up sometime! Sorry about the outfit! I haven't had to deal with too much blood...yet! :) I've always just soaked things with blood on them in cold water for a few hours, but I'll have to try the hydrogen peroxide that was mentioned above!

Angie said...

oxiclean spray works for me beautiful pictures!!