Friday, July 22, 2011

blink - the day is over

Today was another one of those days that disappeared on me. The morning was busy with kids, exercise, bills and paperwork! The afternoon was sorting through clothes and laundry and the night was more laundry, kids, cleaning exercise (I had to make up a day of insanity because I was exhausted yesterday and did not have it in me so today I had to do 2 HOURS of exercise...yikes)

I did catch up on a lot of things today so tomorrow will hopefully be a little more fun for us though Neal does have to work ALL weekend and come to think of it I'm not sure if he has a day off til Thursday....blah!!!

I can hardly believe that July is just about over....summer is FLYING by. Will it ever slow down? Our babies are growing so fast too. Wow Conner will be 5 Ethan is already 2 1/2 and Christopher is 4 months in a is that possible.

Speaking of Christopher he has been crabby and waking up at night a lot which is unlike him but I think it's that tooth that is really bothering him. It is just about poked through so hopefully he will be feeling better soon...poor baby!!

Well I better make myself some sleepy time tea and hope that it helps me relax after exercise otherwise I may be up half the night again....7 more weeks.


Angie said...

wow 2 hours, not sure how you managed that one ;)

Melissa said...

Just keep looking at what you have to look forward to in just a few more weeks! You can do it!!! :) You're rockin' with your workouts, by the way! Way to go!