Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's done....

SO you ask what have I been doing the last month and a half......wellllll......every free minute (and there are very few) I have been painting. It's DONE well ALMOST done I just have the trim work and attic door left but it has been patched and sanded I just need to paint it it's even taped already. I painted FIVE doors trim work in the hallway upstairs and trim work down the stairs and the bathroom. I painted the spindles on the railing upstairs and trim work around the railing Neal painted the ceiling in the foyer and finished the trim work around the ceiling in foyer along with the walls in the hallway and stair way. AND if that was not enough I painted the kids bathroom which turned out AMAZING. I did wide 12 inch stripes in their bathroom and it looks so neat. NOT fun painting stripes in such a small space though but WELL worth the effort.


Yes I need a break from the paint brush. But the next room will be the living room Neal absolutely hates the green that is in there but I have not been inspired to do anything with it. I have come up with a plan and I'm really excited to get started now but not for a while at least a month :)

So I will have a little more time now for blogging and sharing some pictures again though we do have A LOT going on this month and July. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I hear ya on the need a painting break and I haven't even done 1/4 as much as you have! I just got done painting one wall in the boys' bedroom and have started on their bathroom (2 walls) and I'm about ready to retire the brush and roller for a few weeks! I have so many rooms I'd like to freshen up with new colors, but I know I have to take it slow or I'll never paint again! LOL! :)