Sunday, November 25, 2012

Another Thanksgiving here and gone. I hate the holidays so much. We did manage to have a pretty yummy lunch. I made 3 pies Thanksgiving morning :)

 Neal worked all night but the amazing daddy and husband he is got up after just 4 hours of sleep to have lunch with us. He napped a little more then headed back to work for another all nighter. He also came down with an awful cold/flu type thing. He has been so miserable and just the worst time for him to be sick....I feel so bad for him just 2 more days and he had a day off to sleep rest and just catch up.
 Baby was SO ready to eat all morning kept on sitting down in his seat.
I made way more food than necessary. I made a 14lb turkey and yes it was ALL gone the 2nd potatoes, fresh green beans, gravy, stuffing, home made dinner rolls. It was all so very yummy. I put on almost 8 pounds in one Yesterday Conner asked me if there was a baby in my tummy....haha.....that was a good motivator to get back to better eating I have not had a slice of pie since ;)

I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving!!


Janice said...

The pies look delicious. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.

Angie said...

Haha love conners comment, glad I'm not the only one who looks with child after gorging myself lol. Looks great but boo we can't eat together :-(

Melissa said...

Cuute new look on the blog!! :)

That food looks absolutely scrumptious and I'm saying that AFTER I've already been stuffed with our own Thanksgiving feast for the year! :)