Thursday, July 10, 2008

A pretty good day...

Our morning started out so well!!! I set my alarm clock for 4:30AM in hopes of getting my butt up early and going running but after hitting the snooze button for the 4th time I had decided just to stay in bed!! Nothing wrong with that right!!! Sasha was dropped off at 5:30 AM and she was such a good little girl. She sat on the couch and played with Conner’s toys until Conner woke up at 6:30 AM. After my 2nd cup of coffee and checking the news and weather and e-mail I made Conner breakfast. He ate so well…he had 2 scrambled eggs and ½ cup of yogurt with fresh cut up strawberries and crushed cereal and a whole cup of milk. We waited for Neal to get up and then headed for the park!!! It was such a beautiful morning…nice and cool and breezy. One thing that I do love about Wisconsin is the cool nights and mornings!!! We have not had to turn on the air conditioning yet which is so nice since I have a bit of an allergy to it. Conner had brought along one of his balls to the park….one of his favorite things to do is throw the ball up and down the slide. I’m not sure why but he just gets such a kick out of it and just giggles and giggles. On the way home we decided to walk down to the store to pick up some stamps since I was all out and had some things to mail. We then headed home hoping that both the kidos would go down for a nap. I was trying to get Sasha down but my efforts were worthless. I had Neal try and get Conner down for a nap and but Conner got SOOO mad that he threw up again…all over dad!!! Only mom will do sometimes. He has been so incredibly clingy lately…mom has to do everything!!! Well I finally got both of them for a nap!!!! By this time it’s almost lunch time…Sasha got picked up at noon and Neal and I ate lunch ALONE!!! We had steaks, potatoes and corn on the cob….yummy!!! I’m so proud of Conner…after his nap he ate a big lunch too, potatoes sweet peas and chicken nuggets. Conner and I were suppose to go to a “hip mama” play group this afternoon but it’s storming so instead I went to DQ and picked us up treats!!! Conner is playing with his blocks now and Neal is taking a nap!!!! I feel like taking a nap too but I might just have to try and get to bed early but I still need to go running too…ugghhh!!!

1 comment:

Angie said...

I give you credit for actually setting the alarm clock!! I hope you get your run in.