Thursday, November 13, 2008

Picking up bad habits!!!

Conner has started to suck his thumb...ugghhh. He does not do it often but he does it and I'm not looking forward to breaking that habit : ( His other new thing is sticking little objects up his nose and sometimes both his fingers...still trying to get a picture of that one!!!


Angie said...

Oh goodness! The sticking things up his nose is pretty funny! I've heard of kids doing that but never known one that did. Since we had taken Mallory's paci away she had started putting her fingers in her mouth. Now that she's getting her second set of 2 year molars I decided she could just have the paci back. I think its comforting to the little ones to have something in their mouths.

Melissa said...

What is it with the nose thing?! Keitan does this now and then, but so far, nothing traumatic! You'll have to ask Jill for a good story on that one! :) The thumb thing might not stick can cross your fingers! :)

Jill said...

Sticking things up the nose is one thing that I know about. When Ben was around 3 he found one of those Asian Beetles and decided that it needed to go up the nose. He did not want me to get it out and wouldn't let Gma help either. Had to take a trip to the doctor to remedy that. I don't think that anything else has gone up the nose except for his fingers.