Thursday, December 4, 2008

Scratch that...kinda!!!!

Well Neal came home this morning with more difficult decisions for us to make!!! Like I said things could quickly change and they did. He was offered a position in Madison starting Middle to end of January!!! We have NO idea what to do....the move would be great for his career with almost a guarantee that within 18 month he would have his own store but we are not sure that it would be good for us as a family. The ONLY way that we could make this posible is if I stay here and he goes on his own as we can not afford to pay for 3 places unless by some miracle the house sells and the apartment rents out which is highly unlikely : ( It would be very difficult for me to be here all by myself with Conner and 9 months pregnant to add to it all. Too bad that this deal with our house did not go through we would now be home free....and so close to Rockford what a perfect opertunity. Unfortunatly if he tells them no (a decision which we have to make by Monday) and he takes a differant position at the Eau Claire store it would almost guarantee that we would be here for another 18 months!!!


Melissa said...

Oh my! Life is full of surprises, isn't it?! One step at a time... Hope all works out one way or other for you! You've got a lot on your plate right now, but it'll all smooth out eventually! Hang in there!! :)

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow's path to us is all unknown but we will walk today and trust the future to the Father's hand, he knows and plans our way.
Thinking of you.

Angie said...

oh goodness! you guys sure know how to live the drama!! madison would be nice but sounds like a messy mess... :( let us know what you decide.