Friday, September 4, 2009

One of those days....

Started out so well. I got up at 4:30 fed Ethan and put him back to bed. Made some coffee and ironed Neal's work clothes and got things ready for him before he left for work. Got back in bed snuggled up with my kids on a very cold morning with my hotcup of coffee. What a great place to be....watched the sunrise and read while the kids slept. They both woke up around 6:30 in very good moods we ate breakfast then Conner ate two popsicles while I trimmed his hair and then we took our shower. Conner watched a video while I cleaned up the house and did some laundry. I made an early lunch so that we could head out for some fun. I was thinking of taking them to the park maybe a hike in the woods and to see dad at work BUT Conner decided to throw a HUGE fit over eating lunch so off he went to bed and here we are stuck at home :P I guess sometimes punishing your kids hurts us moms more that it hurts them. Well maybe after his nap he will eat and we could still go but by then it will be time to get supper started and Neal will be coming home so we will see. Now I hear Ethan is waking up from his morning nap...little man is just talking away in his crib. He wakes up so happy unlike his big brother who always wakes up crying :)

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