Sunday, January 31, 2010

Getting there....please vote....

Please help me decide on the new header!!! I can't decide which one to use....not sure if I like any of them might have to try and make some different ones!!!!


Mrs Starling said...

I like the top one the best....but they're all cute!!

Melissa said...

Ooooh, hard decision! I like the top and the bottom one!

LissaMae said...

I like the top one the best. The colors are better. But in going with the "moments in time" theme, the bottom one fits that better because it looks timely...if that makes sense? lol It looks like history...or moments in the past, time. IDK...I'm making no sense. :)

Angie said...

I loke the top one best as well!! now hurry up!

Amber said...

I like the bottom one best, but maybe switch out the picture of Conner for the one in the top one. Make sense? Otherwise the top is my second favorite :)

Bernadetta said...

Yeah I did not like that picture of Conner in the bottom one but when I made it that's the only one I had on hand!!! SO if I decide on that one I would def be switching it!!!

Melissa said...

I like the top or bottom one too. Like the color of the top one & the look of the bottom one ("time").

Jenny said...

Well.....GRAMMA thinks you should use ALL of them! They are all cute!! :)

Bill, Shanda, Kylie & Karena said...

I like the top one :)But of course they are all adorable :)

Anonymous said...

Zagladam codziennie a tu jeszcze nic sie nie dzieje. Nie masz pojecia jak b. ciesze sie ze moge Was czasem odwiedzic przez blog.Tojesttak jakby sloneczko zagladnelo do mnie do domu nawet w ponury pochmurny dzien.
Jesli chodzi o wybor to podoba mi to srodkowe jak nikomu. moze dlatego ze jest kolorowe i wesole jak Wy i wiosna na ktora juz nie moge sie doczekac. Ciumek