Conner just seems to be growing up so quick. He is wearing clothes that I remember looking at and thinking wow it's going to be a while before he can wear that and well here he is wearing them. He is full of energy all the time. He talks and talks and talks and I have no idea where he gets that from because his dad and I are certainly not big talkers. His new thing is to ask why ALLLLLL the time. My favorite thing about him though is how concerned he is about his little brother. When we are on the bed and Ethan starts crawling he will grab his foot because he's worried he will fall. When Ethan is crying he will give him hugs and kisses or get him a toy to try and make him happy. He always makes sure that mama sings him a song before nap time or bed time and makes sure that mom AND dad both give him a hug and a kiss. It's really sweet to see. He sure has some bad moments too...hehe. His food issues continue to drive me insane and I wish that he would gain more independence in doing things on his own like going to the bathroom on his own (which he can very well do but continues to ask for help) and eating on his own better. But he knows that mom will just cave if he continues to push and for me it's just easier to sometimes give in. Kids are good at that huh...they know how to push our buttons.
BTW...you have to click on the image to see the pictures better. Conners face just cracks me up as he gets ready for that jump :)
1 comment:
Love the picture sequence!! What fun!! So sweet how he is watching out for his little brother these days!! :)
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