Thursday, August 19, 2010

waiting around.......

Neal has the next 3 days off and I am SO looking forward to it. I am impatiently waiting for him to get home already. It seems like it's been forever since his last day off.  It might be a while till he gets home but here I am just looking out the window waiting for him to pull up. We are early supper eaters usually right around 5 and it's almost 6 but I'm trying to hold off on feeding the kids till he gets home.

Today has been one of those productive days....finally for the 1st time this summer, I think I, feel like I am caught up with things. I even baked.......more to come on this in the near's really really funny tho so stay tuned!!!

We had the windows opened here the last few days and it was so nice to have a bit of fresh air but the airconditioning is back on again today :p Sure has been a hot one!!! I did manage to go through the kids clothes this past week and wash up and put away all the things they have grown out off. Always a big job especially with all the stuff that Ethan has!!!  All sorted though and it feels good but at the same time I always get a bit sad.

The two little monkeys sure have been busy this week and keeping me running....especially Ethan. Ohh my word he has been just glued to me and I'm trying so hard to enjoy it and just remember that this won't last long and soon he may not want as much attention but it's also hard at times especially when I need to get stuff done. The other day he woke up from his nap and I had to sit there and just hold him for over an hour and if I put him down he just screamed his head off. Don't get me wrong I do not mind the screaming and if Conner was awake I would have let him at it but I did not need two grumpy kids. He has I think 3 more toothers to poke molar that has been right under the surface FOREVER and two on top. They are all coming in so goofy and. Conner usually kinda got them in order but Ethan is having a really hard time with them....feel bad for him.

Well I better get the chicken on the grill and set the table!!!! Sorry no pictures today!!!

1 comment:

Janice said...

Enjoy your days with your hubby off. I know the feeling... it is nice to have the whole family home