Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baby BuMp....

Today marks week 17...wawsa.....not sure if I'm excited it's going this quick or nervous or scared or feeling unprepared or unsure or ready to be done or a little of all!!! Tomorrow I will be going in for my appointment and I can't wait!!! I love being able to hear the heartbeat but I'm even more excited about scheduling the ultrasound. Once again I'm doing a vote (it's in the side bar or will be by tonight).....what do you think it will be this time!!! Though the way I'm feeling could mean it might possibly be a girl I still vote for a boy just have this strong feeling it is. 

Going into this pregnancy I was determined to exercise and eat LESS than I had with Ethan I won't even go to Conner's pregnancy because that was just an outrageous amount of weight gain but here I am again finding myself eating well more than necessary though this time it's the only way I can make it through the day without being completely miserable with nausea or throwing up. I can't seem to find the motivation to exercise either though I'm still looking for that motivation each and every day!! I guess it will be a long way to recovery post delivery again :P ALLLLL WORTH IT to me though!!! 

Ohh yeah the baby is moving on a regular basis now those little signs of life!!!


Brendon and Katie said...

You look so good!! my pregnancy completely flew by with Makenzie.. and now shes 3 months old. Crazy!

Angie said...

Funny about the facial hair change on Neal! We like to think we're better than the guys buuut I guess we aren't afterall. oh well. cute preg picture and I'm sure you'll be back in shape in no time. its easier when you have 3 kids to keep up with! :)