Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A birthday weekend.....

This weekend we celebrated my dad in laws b-day!!! We went to Rockford for the day. It was nice to be all together for a's been a while since that has happened. 
Neal's dad cut down a tree in the back yard and was burning the wood. Something so fun about sitting around and warming up by the fire on a nice fall day. 

The kids had so much fun at G'ma and G'pa's. Conner skipped his nap and Ethan only slept for 30 min or so....we had some breakdowns at the end of the day. The were just pooped!!!
Conner giving leaves to papa to put on the fire and burn!!!
 Ethan playing with the push turtle...
Conner's lazy eye was so bad by the end of the night.....he was so tired. One more month till his appointment with the dr. 
Gm's sure spoils her babies with lots of love. Gm'a Jenny holding the newest addition sweet baby Cole!!! this picture sweet or what!!!
G'ma with baby Cole again!!!
My kids were a MESS.....Conner did not make it to the bathroom on time...he just waited too long and had a hard time opening the door. Well his shoes were soaked and I had no change of socks for him. Needless to say he was outside 5 min. later with pee filled shoes and no socks....gross. Add that to the list of things I would NEVER do as a parent.
 Conner Mallory and Tommy playing together and singing fun to watch them play together being so close in age and all.
Marshmellow time....
This one is already blown up and hung up on my wall..... all 5 kidos together!!!
And of course the b-day guy and his cake....


Angie said...


Melissa said...

Awww! Thanks for sharing such fun pics!!