Saturday, October 23, 2010

Day four.....

Well I'm not quite ready to throw in the towel yet but almost. I will give it two more days and if nothing clicks then we will take a break for a while get some books and videos and keep the idea fresh in his mind then try again in a few weeks. 

 The boys have really been playing well together lately....must be all the closeness of being stuck at home :)
 Both on their little computers...notice how Conner is holding the pen....we have been working on it and he is getting better. Thanks for the ideas again Stacy and Cheri :)

Both the boys came down with colds so they are pretty miserable and Conner spent the night throwing up. He woke up 2 or so and was in and out of sleep the rest of the night and throwing up. I knew it was coming he has not been eating again. We will spend the morning bumming around but I really hope things are a bit better this afternoon for the business to business trick or treating and pumpkin illumination. Conner has been so excited to go...Neal will even be home on time to go with us and I NEEEEEDDDD to get out of the house I've not left since Monday!!!
 Believe it or not Ethan has thicker legs than Conner....they are both so tall and tiny!!!
He has been in a shirt undies and socks all week and he loves it :)


Melissa said...

What adorable little boys!! Potty training is not for wimps! LOL! You're doing great! :)

Angie said...

well i give you much credit for making to day 4! ive tried with tommy and given up on the first accident. so not ready to tackle that one. sigh.