Friday, October 29, 2010


I finally brought in my fern this week. This is the fern that COMPLETELY died on me last winter. This spring I cut all the dead parts off and put it downstairs by the front door thinking that I would eventually just get another plant to put in there. Before long I was noticing that it was starting to come up again so I let it grow and left it alone and this is what it turned into. I love ferns there is something so whimsical about them to me or maybe they just remind me of my childhood days. I just love them and I hope that I can keep this one alive this winter though I highly doubt it.....they are very picky plants and do not like dry conditions.

This morning I was up way way way WAY before I needed to be. I just can't sleep....I already have all my chores done, showered, read, tried to sleep again, ate an apple, threw it up, ate some toast, threw it up, finished a post on the blog had some coffee (at least I'm keeping something down this morning) AND the kids are still sleeping......scratch that Conner just woke up. It may be a long day though!!!I am so excited Neal will be home all weekend!!! OHHHH YEAH and I'm excited because the ultrasound is in 5 DAYS!!!! I can't wait. Neal's Mom is coming up to watch the boys for us so that Neal can go with me :) It's one of the fancy ultrasounds too so it will be really fun!!! Well the other little man woke up too so time to go :)


Melissa said...

Wow, you've got an early start to your day today, too! And I'm sorry you can't keep food down...but in all honesty, I cracked up reading that line! Have a fabulous weekend!

p.s.-yayyyyy for the ultrasound!!!

Angie said...

oh wow! that is fast! can't wait to hear what is in that belly!

LissaMae said...

I'm excited to find out what you're having, too!! :)

Anonymous said...

Gramma is excited TOO....can't wait til Wednesday! MOM