Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One of those days....

I love being a stay at home mom I really truly do. It's amazing that I am able to raise my babies and see them grow and be here for them every step of the way. I am so thankful that I am able to do so and I know that one day I will look back at these days and feel so blessed. Today though I was wishing that I could have a day that is not ruled by naps and snacks an meals and play times and house chores. Today I wished I could go into the real world and act like an adult and use my head for something other than singing ABC's and writing alphabets and 123's and playing ball with my boys and pushing cars around the living room floor and planing meals and cooking and wiping poopy buts, runny noses, kissing booboo's and so on so forth. Today I was really wanting to have an adult conversation about something that made my brain work again!!! I misses my job today where I was given a problem or a piece of history.....I missed being able to solve that problem. I missed looking through old books and maps and drawing out new ones. I missed the rewarding feeling you got when you got something accomplished at the end of the day. I missed feeling like I was useful for something I guess.

I guess it's just been one of those days!!! Tomorrow or the day after I know I will be glad again to be where I am and where I belong with my two little boys being silly and playing and enjoying every moment that I am able to be with them.

1 comment:

Angie said...

News flash - everyday you make it through a day with toddlers and everyone is alive and well - its an accomplishment! :) BUT I understand what you're saying.