Saturday, February 19, 2011

Need to vent.....

Neal's 1st day at the new store was yesterday and after the LONG day at work and the LONG drive and getting gas in the van he is back to moving again. Ughhhh I just don't even want to THINK about moving right now it literally makes me sick. This baby is due in 6 weeks and I just don't have it in me to pack everything up and unpack then do it all over again in 6 months OR LESS!!! I am so done moving and never knowing what's going to happen next and always wondering when is the next move. I WANT TO SETTLE DOWN, I want to buy a house and fix it FOR US or rent if that's what we have to do. I know I just feel like this because ONCE AGAIN it's all happening at the wrong time right when I want to enjoy my little baby. Ughhh so I am back to looking for a place. I e-mailed a few places last night hopefully we can work something out. Neal is working for the next 2 WEEKS straight with no days off which is just going to make this even harder to do but such is life. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr......I hope I can feel better about this as the day goes on :(Ohh and to make things worst we got a letter from our landlord saying that if we want to stick to a month to month lease our rent WILL GO UP.....frustrating.

Yesterday I managed to somehow get all my chores done before my favorite morning show was over probably because I was up at 4 and could not sleep. I decided to take the kids to the park but when we made it outside it was REALLY windy and Ethan hates the wind and would not even leave the garage so they just played by the house riding their bikes.

It has happened the thing that we have been trying SOO SO SOOOO hard to avoid. Ethan got this bug that has been going around. He is running a fever and is SO congested and crabby. Conner is not yet showing signs of being sick but as always I am sure thins thing will make it's rounds....that's all we need right now.

I did start a really fun project yesterday when the kids were napping which now I am really regretting doing but stay tuned for pictures.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh, Betta! I feel for you! And to have sick little ones on top of it all! We just got done with that kind of stuff! I think in two weeks, it's finally made it's way through our whole family! Hang in there! HUGS!!!!!