Tuesday, March 22, 2011


We have had a COLD morning here. There was something wrong with our heater but it is fixed now and the house is quickly warming up. Good thing we had to be out and about in the afternoon.....the morning we just stayed bundled up in bed....nothing wrong with that. The landlord was able to fix it quickly for us.

I was sad to drop off my nieces last night!!! It was so nice having them as always.....thanks for coming and all your help girlies come again ANY time. Sunday night we made our own pizzas. I have been wanting to do that since I saw it on Melissa's blog....thanks for the idea :) They turned out great and it was fun seeing the kidos make their own and then gobble them up :)
 My handsome little man!!! He looks adorable in them!!!
Can we say mini Neal :) 

After I met my sister in Janesville Monday night I had decided to drive ALLL the way to Brookfield to pick up Conners glasses. I was too excited to wait any longer and I got the call earlier in the day that they had come in. He is doing SO well with them. Amazing how quickly children can adapt. I figured it would be a fight for him to wear them but he does not complain about them at all. Probably can see much better now. It was late when we finally made it home and it was a lot of driving but it was worth the trip.

Today was my appointment....I had to take the boys with me. My dr. as usual was running late and we waited almost an hour before even making it into the exam room thankfully once we did we did not have to wait too much longer. The boys were troopers and did great and behaved themselves. The appointment did not go as well as I had hoped. I'm still only 1 cm dilated.....grrr!!!!  The amniotic fluid is also still low (due to a partial tear and leak I had last week) so I have to continue to pay close attention to the baby's movements. I did get to have an ultrasound again though which was fun. Got to have another little peek at the baby for the 2nd week in a row :) She stripped the membranes today but since I'm not dilated more than 1 cm most likely it will not do anything. Going back again tomorrow afternoon to get them stripped again if that does not put me into labor the induction is scheduled for Wednesday!!!! I am cramping up pretty bad from the exam but hoping that I am tired enough to sleep and since I was up most the night last night I think I should be able to sleep.

We have been enjoying the warmer weather. The kids love to play outside and I think that they are REALLY ready for spring and summer. I am actually LOVING this rain right now....yes I wish it was warmer but I love the rain this time of the year just washing away all the dirt!!!! And I love the smell of rain and the sound of rain!!!!
And I will leave you with this picture!!! The boys waiting for their popcorn one night!! Neal was closing so I let the kids stay up late and watch Tangled and have popcorn in bed with me. This actually happens most nights that Neal closes :) Here they are waiting for their popcorn :) 

You can really see Conners lazy eye in this picture but I am happy to report that we see less and less of it. It's really improving....he skipped his nap this day and this picture was taken past his bed time. His MRI is scheduled for March 30th but I really think that the patch and glasses will work and he will not need surgery. 


Janice said...

Cute glasses Connor!

Angie said...

thanks for the baby update!! hope things get started for you! cute pictures. our kids love making their own pizzas too. OH and conner looks super cute and smart in his new glasses. :)

Melissa said...

Love the new glasses! He looks so cute! :) Crossing my fingers things will start for you! I remember quite a bit of cramping too whenever they did that for me. Hoping the cramping moves on into labor for you! Also hoping you can get some sleep tonight!!! Hugs!

Melissa said...

You have got such adorable boys! Can't wait to see pictures of the 3rd adorable little guy! Hoping that's soon for you!

Conner's glasses make him look like such a big kid!

p.s.-my kids always ask to make their own pizzas now...I think I've started something!

LissaMae said...

He looks so cute in the glasses!