Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Monday.....

Ahhh I love this time change....I love that it's light outside when we wake up and you do not feel like you should be in bed by 5!!! Last night it was 7:30 and still light outside. This time I prepared the kids all week for the change so it was a pretty smooth transition. I can't believe that it's Monday already. We had a very productive weekend with Neal being home and we are one step closer to being ready for the move. I also made and froze a few meals which is a good feeling. I am a little nervous about having 3 kids 4 and under at home. I am sure we will do just fine but I still can't help but wonder how our life will change!!!! My next appointment is this Wed.I have to see another dr. because mine is gone all week. We will see if anything has changed. I felt SOO SO good this weekend and it was just refreshing. Conner has been sick all week long again and now Ethan has it so it will be another week of that I am sure. Ethan even woke up at night the last two nights which is very unusual for him he is such a good sleeper and almost NEVER wakes up (unlike his brother) it was nice though because he is such a snuggler he just wraps his arms around me and holds on to my ears and rubs his face on my cheeks :)   I did not get any sleep myself but I enjoyed the snuggles. Well off to get this Monday started then hoping to make it to the park with the kids later this morning....should be a pretty nice day.

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