Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Conner has been asking for doughnuts all week long. I'm not sure how he got the idea for doughnuts I don't think I've ever even bought them before.....not that I can recall anyway. Well this morning first thing he asks me "mama you know what I dreamed about last night?"  what baby did you dream about zooming like a superhero (his usual dream story) he goes "no mama that's silly"....hehe....."I dreamed about doughnuts" so while I was out for my appointment this morning I stopped at the grocery store and got him some doughnuts.
He was one happy little boy when he saw those doughnuts and enjoyed every bite. 

He is such a little artist this little boy. EVERY morning the first thing he does is goes and gets his notebook and crayons and starts drawing. Yesterday while I was getting breakfast ready he made me this. 
He cut it all out and glued it all by himself. My crafty little man :) It's Sponge Bob Square Pants just in case you were wondering :) hehe I love it. We have been talking about moving so much around here lately and yesterday we went to look at an apartment. It's amazing how much kids listen and take in. Well this morning he drew a fun picture of the different parts of a house like the square part the triangle for the roof the doors and windows even mommy's plants and put them on wheels because you need wheels to move big things!!! I love how he always tells a story it's never just a picture. We are signing him up for piano lessons once we get settled down. We finally did get a piano FREE a couple months ago but for now it's just in the garage and it will probably go into storage till we get settled. I am now thinking tho that I should sign him up for some kind of art class since he enjoys it so much. Maybe this spring and summer.
I love how kids can entertain themselves with the silliest things. When we went to see Neal at work last week he gave Conner this huge spindle of ribbon. It has been HOURS AND HOURS of fun for our kids. They have used it for everything like dragging toys around the house pulling each other in baskets tying it on the bed and swinging like monkeys or as Conner would call it "exercising" did you know that a silly ribbon could be so much fun?!?!

My computer has officially called it quits....Neal has declared it finished!!!! Haha it was long time coming I guess. For now I have to share with Neal till he finds me something that he deems good enough for the things I need it for. He hates it when I use his tho so sharing will not be easy!!!! He found one for about $200 which seems fair but has another one that he is looking at on e-bay that he might get me. For now I just hope he can get the THOUSANDS of pictures that I have stored on my old laptop....I knew I should have moved them LONG ago but kept on putting it off. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

YUM! Doughnuts! :)

Love your little artist's creations! He's got some talent!!

It is amazing what kids find to entertain themselves with! Our boys have been playing with a nice sized cardboard box and masking tape lately! :)