Friday, June 17, 2011

 Playing in the dirt....
 and catching bugs.....
 it's what little boys do best!!!
 watching the bugs crawl around.

I had big plans for this afternoon. Got the kids dressed in their swim suits got all the beach toys packed up and snacks and drinks packed. I got myself all ready to go just to make it to the front door and realize out my keys were locked in the van. Neal had already left for work and he had meetings all afternoon so I knew he would not be able to sneak out to come home and unlock the van for me :( The kids were so disappointed they were so excited to go to the Splash Pad. We could not even leave the apartment because if we left we would not have been able to get back into the building :( I finally realized that I could take out the screen in our living room window and just climb in and out that way. At least we were then able to go and be outside. Grrr....that was frustrating.
 The crabby little man.
 and his adorable baby toes.
He has really taken to sucking his hand and fingers. He wakes up at night and I just hear his sucking away and soothing himself back to sleep. I like the fact that he found a way to sooth himself but I am so worried about thumb sucking. He refuses the pacifier even with sugar on it. It's just SO much easier to take away the pacifier then it is to break a thumb sucking habit. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Where there's a will, there's a way! :) Glad you were able to get outside, even if it wasn't to your desired destination! Christopher is getting so big already and cuter by the week! :) Our older boys seem to like to play in the mud lately! Today, they burst into the house, covered in it and leaving a trail on the back doorknob and screen! We had to have a little talk about how to clean up before entering the house! LOL! :)