So what else have we been up to!!! STILL potty training Ethan....grrrr....I HATE potty training!!! I really wish I toughed it out when he was 20 months because he was doing better then :p Ohh well!!! It's now going on a month now and he still does not seem to get it. I am DETERMINED though I am gonna see this through no matter how many more poopy and wet underpants I have to change.Needless to say that alone has been keeping me busy!!
We have had many stay at home days due to much rain but we are outdoors as much as we can be because our apartment is VERY dark and depressing. I do love being in Madison though even just having a mall to go to on a rainy day so the kids can play at the play area there.
I have really dropped the ball on teaching my babies so I have been trying to get better at it. I have been working with Ethan on the alphabet and believe it or not I am just now teaching him his colors....yeah I know I'm a bad mama. He has really taken of vocally I mean leaps and bounds the past two weeks. Funny how that goes with my kids they are late starters but it seems like one day they wake up and start talking in sentences.
I have been trying to push for tummy time with this one.....he hates it but we need to get that neck stronger.
Ignore the undies it was before bed and it was HOT so I told him he did not need to put on pajama bottoms. Conner has taken a HUGE interest in reading lately so whenever I can or Neal has the energy we have been trying to teach him. He definitely gets the general idea and I think that once it clicks he will be reading in no time at all.
I am super excited for tomorrow. We have a busy day but Neal is taking me shopping to the outlet mall in Johnson Creek. I'm printing my coupons and getting ready I still have some gift cards I from my b-day to spend:) after lunch I FINALLY have my check up...we have to drive all the way to Oconomowoc because no one could even see me in Madison till August. Then after my appointment we have to drive even further to Brookfield for Neal's eye check up after the lasik. It will be a lot of driving but at least we can get it all done in one day!!!Neal is at work kids are in bed and since I did not get to go running today I HAVE to do Jillian Michaels. Wish me luck I am SO SO sore and achy!!!
1 comment:
Cute shirt, Ethan!!
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