Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another weekend GONE....

This was last weekend off till after the new year :( but we did enjoy every minute of it!!! The weather was perfect and we are a little sad that tomorrow it's back to reality!!
We attempted getting a family picture for the holiday cards but did not really get any good ones. We may have an excuse to go back to the beach again :) People are still swimming mostly surfers but still that's insane!!! After the pictures we headed over to a Christmas light show which was really really fun!!! The kids loved it!!!
 Dolphin jumping in the water....pretty neat!!!
 We may not have snow sculptures but there are sand ones.....
 Pretty neat if you ask me,

 Roasting marshmallows by the fire pit....

 The music light show.....this was pretty neat too.
 Kids munching on their popcorn and watching the music light show.

 We strolled the walking paths and enjoyed the lights. It was a beautiful night and we were comfortable in our sweaters outside AT NIGHT in December :))))))))))))))))))))
 Carousel ride with the kidos...
Christopher was riding with Conner but got scared...

 Sticking his head out the window...
 Driving with daddy.....
It was an awesome show and this will be one of our yearly traditions. 

I hope everyone had a great weekend....I know they go by too quick!

1 comment:

The Papendorfs said...

very neat and your kids are all looking so grown up!