Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nothing like sweet hugs and kisses from your babies to make you feel better and if that does not work then just have some blueberry scones and worked for me. Having a really really really bad day :( morning!!!
I'm gonna shake it off stand up tall and not let things get to me after all I deserve at least that much.

Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy. Busy few days so camera has been on vacation :)

These scones are AMAZING........mmmm mmmm good!!! Check the food blog a little later for recipe!
 Ethan rocking his baby to sleep :)
 Wow Conner looks big in this picture. He is rocking his baby bear to sleep.
 Neal was off yesterday and after lunch we headed for the beach....Neal stayed with the kids and I went for a LONG walk searching for treasures...I enjoyed my walk and quiet time very much.
 Little man.....his hair really looks red/orange in this picture it's not but he would be cute as a red head :)
 They love to play in the sand.
 Loving this January weather.
 well now they dryer arrived this morning but they did not hook it up for me so I need to get it hooked up so I can start on the huge pile of laundry...ONE FULL week without doing laundry and company for a full weekend :)
that is one huge pile of stuff to wash....haha any helpers.

lets hope that I can actually take my own advice and shake it off stand up tall and have a good afternoon :)


Janice said...

I'll take 76 degree weather right about now :) Hope your day is going better.

Melissa said...

I would love to come help you do laundry! Coffee and some girl talk? Yes, please!

Angie said...

First off the scones look awesome!! And with facilities like that, the laundry will be done in no time!! I love having those big rigs. Chin up!