The sister did a nice job!!!! Love this picture too...I was still in manual but was not holding a baby on my hip while taking it :P
The happy family plus our Ethan!!!
The girls and the cake!!!!
Licking snot off his lip....yuckie :) He had fun hicking too!!!
Ethan loved being in the woods...he looked up almost the entire time. Must be the colors and the trees. Wish this weather would clear up would love to get a few more hikes in this fall!!!
Sunday we headed to Rockford to celebrate Madzia and Katies b-days. It was a great time and right now I'm wishing I had a slice of that delicious cake that my sister made. I took the girls and my two boys for a hike in the woods before the party too. Neal, Mike and Steve were watching the game and my sister was getting the cake ready!!I was so disapointed though because my camera was on manual focus and most of the pictures turned out blury. Wish I would have noticed sooner and had gotten some better pictures :( The down side of learning to work my camera on some of the manual modes I always forget to turn it back to Auto :)
1 comment:
Looks like you got some great pictures despite the manual setting! :) Looks like you had a lot of fun!!!
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