Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yay....well kinda :)

So I had my appointment this morning....ughh yuckie roads to drive on. What is up with all the new snow?!?!? Where did spring go???? I did get a little bit of good news!!! As she was checking me she says WOW how are you walking???? Well I told her I would not really call it walking and I also said so I'm not being a big baby there is something going on?!?! The head I guess is really really low. Lower than she has seen it in a LONG time. She told me that if this baby has not made it's appearance in the next two weeks there is no reason why I should suffer and be so miserable that I should get induced. I'm not sure if I want to do that yet as much as I want this baby out being induced at 38 weeks just does not seem right. SO she told me that she will scrape the membranes and go the natural route see if that works and I am ok with that. She also did say that if that does not work that she would do the induction. Also the baby is measuring SMALL but she just thinks that it's because the head is so low. Either way it sounds like we will be holding a new baby two weeks sooner.


Janice said...


Melissa said...

Yay! Exciting!! I carried Reid A LOT lower than the other two also! I felt like I had to go to the bathroom ALL the time because of it! So glad you're getting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now! :)

Anonymous said...

Well....GRAMMA is ready TOO!!! Just waiting for the phone to ring so we can head up there!!!! :)