Thursday, June 30, 2011

Well it's about time....only 2 months of cleaning up pee and poo all over the place. It's finally clicked in!!! He still has a lot of accidents but he is doing MUCH better. Just in time too I was just about ready to confuse this kid even more and put a diaper back on him. I HATE potty more to go!!!

Ohh and let me just say spending that much time with a potty training kid in the car....NOT FUN!!!
Babcia and Dziadzia with our babies!!!

Catching up...

I'm feeling a bit under the weather these days. Sore throat congested and tired I think it's just the lack of sleep lately and the constant GOING so hopefully the next two days I can catch up not only on rest but also on LAUNDRY ;)

Last night our building was evacuated due to a fire scare. Around 9 our landlord who lives across the hall from us comes knocking and telling me to get the boys out. Neal was at work and the kids were in bed at 7 last night because they too are lacking in rest so I had to wake them up and head outside. The hallway was full of smoke and the fire department came, which the boys of course loved. It was all just a scare someone had burned their dinner.....BADLY :) and all is well thankfully. The kids went right back to sleep but we did have to sit outside for about an hour.
 I know I promised more beach pictures but I just don't feel like going through them all so I will just post these two!!! We miss it already!!!
SO it sounds like we may have to let go of our dream home :( Target is not giving us the all clear to put in an offer because of the timeline. SO frustrating to think that the trip was a waste but that's Target for ya we will know two weeks before we have to move and will probably end up in an apartment again then move tired of moving. We literally have to know more of a timeline by the end of July because we have to give a 60 day notice to our landlord. Still hoping that the house waits for us but they just reduced the price and it is really a great value for the home so we expect that it will go quickly.

I guess it was just not meant to be. I think that the next time we have to go Neal will be flying out alone and searching for a place for us. It's just too much with 3 little kids and to put them all through sitting in the car for days at a time though they really were troopers.

Time to fill up on coffee and head out. First stop Target optical to get Conners glasses fixed which he broke yesterday!!!! 

Monday, June 27, 2011


We made it home in 15 1/2 hours which is much better than the 19 1/2 that it took us to get there. Got here at 5:30 and I convinced the kids to go back to sleep for a while I got 2 hours in. Neal drove home the entire way and the kids did SO well. Christopher of course did the worst of the 3. We literally spent 5 days in a car driving around so we were VERY VERY impressed with how they handled it all. It was EXHAUSTING for us all though so we really hope that we do not have to do it again. Just hope that things work out with that house because we are not entirely convinced that we want to put in an offer on any of the other ones we looked at.

We are home though safe and sound now for the laundry, washing of car seats, and cleaning out the van. Neal took the day off today so he is sleeping first when he wakes up I may try and get a little more rest in but I will probably just fill up on coffee and wait till tonight.

I will post some more pictures later.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Almost time to go home...

It's almost time to go home :( wish we had more time to spend at the beach . We did find a house yay and it's really is our dream home. Just the right size with four bedrooms 2 1/2 baths and lots of charm and charecter in a new subdivision with a HUGE back yard really close to the best schools in the area. It also has a community pool and playground which is a HUGE bonus. Now lets hope that everything works out and we do not have to come back again for another search!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


 We made it....18 1/2 hours later....we drove all night taking turns!!! Neal and I may need a vacation after this trip!!
 There are a lot of forest fires right now so parts of South Carolina are very smokey right now. The beach was not very clear today. We are hoping that after tonight's rain it will be better tomorrow!! Still beautiful and so warm.
 Ethan was a little cautious in the beginning but loved the water, waves, sand and shells!!!
 Conner is a fish he loves everything about the beach....all I can say bout that.
 I can;t believe we will be within driving distance of this :)

 yup a fish!!!
 Priceline screwed up our reservation and caused me A LOT of frustration this week but it all turned out ok. We ended up with a fabulous room for only $75 a night!!!

Christophers bed :) I pulled out one of the drawers and lined it with blankets he fits perfectly!!

We are exhausted and will sleep well tonight. Tomorrow begins the house search then the beach again in the afternoon if the weather allows. NIGHT NIGHT!!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My sweetness and his baby!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Strawberry goodness...

 We got to do my favorite summer activity last week. Picking strawberries of course!!!

 This kids LOVES doing things like this....he is just like his mama!!!
 Yes the baby was there too :))


 sun warmed berry right off the bush...nothing sweeter.
 We bought lots of berries!!
While Ethan napped Conner helped me make turned out SO delicious!!! Is everything better home made?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Wish me luck....

I skipped Christophers bath tonight for the 3rd time since he was born the other 2 times it meant waking up every 2 hours so lets hope that tonight is different and he sleeps the 10+ hours that he has been sleeping. I am SO tired and heading to bed at 8:30 with the other two kids. Lets hope that I can fall a sleep tho and not lay in bed tossing and turning till 1 or 2 or 3!!! I need sleep.....sleeep please.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Can't sleep...

I am so so so tired but every time i lay down to sleep my head starts spinning....I hate that. Things are moving quickly again and I can hardly believe that we have to give our 60 day notice here soon. We are so excited for our trip this week. We are leaving Wednesday and are meeting with a realtor on Friday we have a solid list of homes to look at and hopefully we find something we LOVE. She has been very helpful with the process.

We hope to have at least a little bit of good weather right now it looks HOT and rainy :( it's ok though we won't have too much time to enjoy the beach!
 I was canning some jam this afternoon and this little man was in his swing in the kitchen (his favorite spot) watching me. Every time I would walk by and just glance at him I would get the sweetest biggest grin. SO sweet!!

Big stuff....I was looking at some pictures of Conner when he was a baby Christopher looks just like him .
 Neal had to work basically all day today but we did have a nice Fathers day meal together :) I picked up some Sushi....we love it now!! We also had our FAVORITE meal EVER!!! Salmon with wild rice and asparagus. It was so so yummy and healthy!!
Wish I had some leftover....I'm starving.

The kids skipped their nap today so they were in bed by 8 but Conner had a bloody nose again and bled ALL over the pillows covers and sheets so I had to change it all. Not sure whats going on with those right now but he has been getting them a lot. I tried to go to bed at 9 because I am SO tired but it's not happening. I'm hoping now that I wrote some things down I will feel better and maybe possibly settle down for the night!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

 Playing in the dirt....
 and catching bugs.....
 it's what little boys do best!!!
 watching the bugs crawl around.

I had big plans for this afternoon. Got the kids dressed in their swim suits got all the beach toys packed up and snacks and drinks packed. I got myself all ready to go just to make it to the front door and realize out my keys were locked in the van. Neal had already left for work and he had meetings all afternoon so I knew he would not be able to sneak out to come home and unlock the van for me :( The kids were so disappointed they were so excited to go to the Splash Pad. We could not even leave the apartment because if we left we would not have been able to get back into the building :( I finally realized that I could take out the screen in our living room window and just climb in and out that way. At least we were then able to go and be outside. Grrr....that was frustrating.
 The crabby little man.
 and his adorable baby toes.
He has really taken to sucking his hand and fingers. He wakes up at night and I just hear his sucking away and soothing himself back to sleep. I like the fact that he found a way to sooth himself but I am so worried about thumb sucking. He refuses the pacifier even with sugar on it. It's just SO much easier to take away the pacifier then it is to break a thumb sucking habit. 

Fathers Day

We celebrated Fathers Day a little early this year because Neal has to work all weekend again :( I got up at 4 and took Christopher out of the room so that he could sleep without any interruptions. I kept the other two rascals quiet once they woke up as well. He got up at 10:00 to a bagel with ham cheese and egg and fresh strawberries orange juice and a nice big cup of jo!! The kids showered him with a few little presents and while helping him open them proceeded to spill his orange juice all over his bagel and broke the glass.....was that perfect or what...haha.....parenthood :)

 Conner is such a great helper!!! Wrapping daddys present!! Neal usually gets Bears tickets but we will be gone by the time the season starts so this year we did something different...boxer briefs that compares right :)
 Decorating a tie!!!
 Neal loves Root Beer he always gets it for Fathers Day and his B-day :) Check out the labels I printed!!! I guess I can share the link for the printables I made. 

I love the card it was so fitting since he is a big gamer.
I still plan on surprising him with a nice supper Sunday but all in all I think he had a nice day!!!