Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Conner had a half day today so at 11 we picked him up and headed to the beach. Even though it was an interesting trip it was fantastic. The moment Christopher got out of the van he got SO excited that we were at the beach that he tripped on his own feet and fell head first into the rocks...poor baby was bleeding all over. SO once we got that all under control we headed for the beach. When we got there it was low tide so we had to walk a ways to get to the water but while we were playing in the water the waves rose for high tide and well soaked our blanket/towels/bag....sigh. so we moved everything up and continued to play and once again we did not notice the water rising and our stuff got soaked AGAIN. We did have a BLAST tho we love the beach and September and October are so far my favorite to enjoy the beach. SO I dragged the soaked 100 pound blanket and towels and the bag and kidos back to the van got everyone cleaned up and into their seats just to find a parking ticket on the windshield :/ so we headed home but then decided to stop and grab some snacks out of the trunk just as I was pulling back out a guy ran a red was a REALLY close one. Ok  so I thought we were done with the weird day but just as we were getting closer to home Conner tells me he has to go potty....1. Ethan and Chris are sleeping 2. we are no where near a place we can stop for a bathroom 3. Conner decided to wait till the last minute to tell me SOOOO I pull over to the side thankfully I had an empty cup he could go in BUT he did not quite make it yup tinkled all over my hands holding the cup and his backpack which was on the ground and ALSO woke up the other two. Thankfully that was the last of the craziness of the day.
 Beach days are a lot more relaxing now

 I hope that our next trip will be soon and a lot LESS eventful.
 SO it's now official we DO NOT HAVE TO MOVE :) for the last couple months things were up in the air and there was a big possibility that we would have to move. WE are staying and Neal will be managing the North Charleston store. We went out and bought a tree for the back yard ....yay. It's an oak and hopefully it won't take too long for it to get a little bigger and provide a little shade and privacy in our not so private back yard/ We also finally agreed on another tree that will go closer to the patio but I need to get painting and sell some stuff to save for it. Trees are expensive :/
 Watching us dig a hole
My cuties.


Janice said...

Wow... you did have quite an eventful day.

Melissa said...

My goodness! I think that qualifies as "one of those days!!" Eek! So glad you survived! :)

SO happy you don't have to move! I have been thinking about you so much lately, crossing my fingers it wasn't so! Whew!