Friday, September 28, 2012

A few more pictures.....

 I've been busy painting are a few more orders I recently finished. At this point I'm telling people no unless they are willing to wait a long time. I have not even had time to paint anything to take into the shop yet. Not enough hours in a day.

 This one is very popular it matches Target bedding.
This one I just finished yesterday and it already is a hit. It also matches bedding.

Conner is pretty sick so he is staying home from school today and I'm going to try and get him in to see the Dr. today. He has a TERRIBLE cough. He woke up last night just crying and coughing so hard that he was throwing up flem. Poor baby was just saying mama mama over and over my heart broke into a million pieces. Not sure if there is anything that they can give him to help him but I need to make sure it's not bronchitis or Pneumonia because it has been going around Neals work.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Conner had a half day today so at 11 we picked him up and headed to the beach. Even though it was an interesting trip it was fantastic. The moment Christopher got out of the van he got SO excited that we were at the beach that he tripped on his own feet and fell head first into the rocks...poor baby was bleeding all over. SO once we got that all under control we headed for the beach. When we got there it was low tide so we had to walk a ways to get to the water but while we were playing in the water the waves rose for high tide and well soaked our blanket/towels/bag....sigh. so we moved everything up and continued to play and once again we did not notice the water rising and our stuff got soaked AGAIN. We did have a BLAST tho we love the beach and September and October are so far my favorite to enjoy the beach. SO I dragged the soaked 100 pound blanket and towels and the bag and kidos back to the van got everyone cleaned up and into their seats just to find a parking ticket on the windshield :/ so we headed home but then decided to stop and grab some snacks out of the trunk just as I was pulling back out a guy ran a red was a REALLY close one. Ok  so I thought we were done with the weird day but just as we were getting closer to home Conner tells me he has to go potty....1. Ethan and Chris are sleeping 2. we are no where near a place we can stop for a bathroom 3. Conner decided to wait till the last minute to tell me SOOOO I pull over to the side thankfully I had an empty cup he could go in BUT he did not quite make it yup tinkled all over my hands holding the cup and his backpack which was on the ground and ALSO woke up the other two. Thankfully that was the last of the craziness of the day.
 Beach days are a lot more relaxing now

 I hope that our next trip will be soon and a lot LESS eventful.
 SO it's now official we DO NOT HAVE TO MOVE :) for the last couple months things were up in the air and there was a big possibility that we would have to move. WE are staying and Neal will be managing the North Charleston store. We went out and bought a tree for the back yard ....yay. It's an oak and hopefully it won't take too long for it to get a little bigger and provide a little shade and privacy in our not so private back yard/ We also finally agreed on another tree that will go closer to the patio but I need to get painting and sell some stuff to save for it. Trees are expensive :/
 Watching us dig a hole
My cuties.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

An amazing weekend....

I'm not sure if any of you have noticed but I'm a busy bee.....I like to stay busy....period. My day starts early with a hot cup of coffee and I'm on the move just about the sun goes down and hubby and I settle down for the night wit a hot cup of tea, a fruit bowl and a show we watch to unwind. Well this past weekend Neal was off and we had all these plans to do all these fun things but then the kids came down with a bug and Neal got a nail in the tire of his truck so he needed to fix that. So all our plans got cancelled and we just stayed home, relaxed, played games, read books and enjoyed the wonderful weather it was simply fabulous.
 Ethan working on some art stuff and some of his work books
 wagon rides
 Our hammock is gone but the stand makes for some fun monkey bars

 Baby wanted to climb up so bad
 Me and my boys

 Snuggling and watching football with daddy.
Ok this was just funny....every time I turn around this kid is taking his clothes off. I glanced out the window and he is trying to take his diaper off but the sticky parts were stuck together at the waist so it just looked like he had a tail. BTW I LOVE having a fenced in back yard :)

It was nice to have a couple days to just relax and unwind. Monday I got right back to it tho I got the laundry room painted....yay. I am once again taking a break from painting. I told Neal to lock up all the painting tools and hide them in a safe place.  All I have left now is the 4 bedrooms and the master bath. Not till after the new year tho.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My busy week....

 Ever since our trip home when my mom made these for us I have been addicted.....fried breaded zucchini.....num num.
 My hydrangeas are blooming  again :)))))))
 This kid HATES clothes and shoes.....his pants only stay on a few minutes and he simply refuses to wear shoes....yup he is a monster child.
 My sweet man I have been bragging about him a little too much lately because we have had a few difficult days. Might be my lack of patience too Neal has been gone a lot and I have not had any kind of a break.
 I finally tackled this monster of a project since my last post. The living room trim work, around the windows, fire place, ceiling and walls.
 Ewwwww it was pretty bad.
 Only willing to pose when I'm busy doing something like painting the ceiling ;)
 I took a little break from the paint to dig in the flower beds :) It's not work for me it's gardening and I love it.
 A cup of coffee and my two little is good :)
 Almost finished just a little touch up work around one window and the fire place and then the wall treatment I'm doing. Hand painting a design on the fire place wall....FUN.....NOT. But it does look awesome so it's worth it to me. The carpet actually looks pretty good in the picture but it is so gross.....can;t wait to get the wood floors in.
 You can see the design a little more in this picture.
Looks so much nicer now but the new fresh paint job makes our furniture and carpet look even worst :/ This furniture has been good to us 10 years old something like 12 moves and 3 little children. Looks pretty good for what it's been through.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Fall

I can hardly believe it but fall is just about here. We have been enjoying a bit of cooler air and by cooler I mean that it feels like a summer up North :) Man it was a HOT summer. I'm not going to even atempt any kind of an update just want to post a few pictures :)
Conner started Kindergarten and LOVES it :) 

 Conner and Mis Hudson :) on the first day of school
 Ethan enjoying the extra quality time with mama
 The littel monster
 I'm getting used to a FULL house of boys just about ALL THE TIME :)

 I love this one....cheese momie

 creativity at it's finest

 My little heart breaker
 Napping with daddy on the patio

 Boys will be boys found a place to dig
 I could not wait any longer I got my fall things out a couple weeks ago
 I'm addicted to pallets....made this little planter/sign this week from some old pallets
 Just made these too :)
And the new frame I finished today to display the kids art work :)

I promise to get better at blogging again I really do.