We made these fun cupcakes for our Halloween treats yesterday!!! Conner just had a blast making them and was a little sad when we were all done :) Directions HERE!!!!
My little helpers never leave my side when I'm in the kitchen!!!
Ethan was MUCH more interested in eating all the goodies than helping!!!
He is getting to be so big!!!
I attempted to get a picture with the boys.....
This is the best it was gonna get.....Conner not happy at all he just wanted to go get candy.....
My sister came yesterday with her two girls Madzia and Katie and Katies friend Joy. We went to the business to business trick-or-treating and then the parade in the awesome town of Oconomowoc!!!! I love that City but the price tag on a house there is way way out of our price range.
Talk about a sugar high.....
Waiting for the parade to start.
This Antique Shop is always much fun they have some really fun costumes. This guy was on stilts but they also have guys dressed in armors!!!
Nice face Katie :)
My beautiful nice Madzia.....
Trying to get a better look at the parade.
They had some really fun floats this year and LOTS of candy!
Little Dino man....
Little monster.....THIS was our Halloween last year :) Kinda fun to see the difference!!!
Tonight we went door to door trick or treating in our neighborhood. I wish that it was earlier so that it would be warmer but it is fun to go when it's dark out.
Little monster....
Conner was a dinosaur!!!!
Going to the 1st house to get their treats....Ethan kept on saying "tha da" in this fantastic tone full of excitement. Translation: thank you :)
Priceless.....trying to get a treat from daddy!!!
Hallooooooo.....anyone home?????
Excited little monster!!!