Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween FUN,,,,,

 We made these fun cupcakes for our Halloween treats yesterday!!! Conner just had a blast making them and was a little sad when we were all done :) Directions HERE!!!!
 My little helpers never leave my side when I'm in the kitchen!!!
 Ethan was MUCH more interested in eating all the goodies than helping!!!

He is getting to be so big!!!
 I attempted to get a picture with the boys.....
This is the best it was gonna get.....Conner not happy at all he just wanted to go get candy.....
My sister came yesterday with her two girls Madzia and Katie and Katies friend Joy. We went to the business to business trick-or-treating and then the parade in the awesome town of Oconomowoc!!!! I love that City but the price tag on a house there is way way out of our price range. 
 Talk about a sugar high.....
 Waiting for the parade to start.
 This Antique Shop is always much fun they have some really fun costumes. This guy was on stilts but they also have guys dressed in armors!!!
 Nice face Katie :)
 My beautiful nice Madzia.....
 Trying to get a better look at the parade.
 They had some really fun floats this year and LOTS of candy!
 Little Dino man....
 Little monster.....THIS was our Halloween last year :) Kinda fun to see the difference!!!
 Tonight we went door to door trick or treating in our neighborhood. I wish that it was earlier so that it would be warmer but it is fun to go when it's dark out.
 Little monster....
 Conner was a dinosaur!!!!
 Going to the 1st house to get their treats....Ethan kept on saying "tha da" in this fantastic tone full of excitement. Translation: thank you :)

 Priceless.....trying to get a treat from daddy!!!
 Hallooooooo.....anyone home?????
Excited little monster!!!

Some days.....

 I get lucky.....
 I think this was yesterday....I set up their pop up tent and they sat in it for well over an hour and just read their books.
Some days I just get lucky like that :)

Friday, October 29, 2010


I finally brought in my fern this week. This is the fern that COMPLETELY died on me last winter. This spring I cut all the dead parts off and put it downstairs by the front door thinking that I would eventually just get another plant to put in there. Before long I was noticing that it was starting to come up again so I let it grow and left it alone and this is what it turned into. I love ferns there is something so whimsical about them to me or maybe they just remind me of my childhood days. I just love them and I hope that I can keep this one alive this winter though I highly doubt it.....they are very picky plants and do not like dry conditions.

This morning I was up way way way WAY before I needed to be. I just can't sleep....I already have all my chores done, showered, read, tried to sleep again, ate an apple, threw it up, ate some toast, threw it up, finished a post on the blog had some coffee (at least I'm keeping something down this morning) AND the kids are still sleeping......scratch that Conner just woke up. It may be a long day though!!!I am so excited Neal will be home all weekend!!! OHHHH YEAH and I'm excited because the ultrasound is in 5 DAYS!!!! I can't wait. Neal's Mom is coming up to watch the boys for us so that Neal can go with me :) It's one of the fancy ultrasounds too so it will be really fun!!! Well the other little man woke up too so time to go :)

Halloween at the Y.....

In search of free activities for the kids I came across Halloween at the Y. We took the kids last night and it was so much fun for both the kids and us. They had crafts, games, music, bouncy things and huge blown up slides and of course the favorite FREE swimming at the water park :)

 In the bouncy thing....
 Going up to the slide...
 And down he goes.....he was super tired and skipped his nap again so you can really see his lazy eye in this picture.
 Playing in the corn...
 I think this was Ethan's favorite part.....
 They even had free pumpkins....Conner decorating his!!!! Ethan was more interested in running in circles on this big shape mat they had.
 Daddy helping with the pumpkin.....BTW I played the whole facial hair off really well he has no idea I did not notice :) and he does not read the blog, I don't think, so I'm safe. I did notice though when he shaved it ALL off last night!!!
Playing at the water park. We did not stay for the Halloween swim because it was getting late and our kids are just not used to being out late or going to bed late so we headed would have been fun though!!!!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My appointment went well today. My ultrasound will be sometime in the next two weeks :) can't wait!!! The heart beat sounded amazing as usual strong and fast....always puts a smile on my face. My Dr. also prescribed me something for my migraines and something to help me sleep!! I went to bed last night around midnight with just a slight headache then woke up at 2:00 AM and I told Neal that I thought I was dying of brain cancer....haha....I'm not sure if my head has ever hurt more in my life. Finally at 4 or 5 it eased up a bit and I was able to go back to sleep just to be waken up an hour later by Ethan. I went and got him and he fell back a sleep with me for a little bit. Neal was nice enough to get up with the kids so that I could have a little more quiet time to recover this morning. He even shut the blinds so that our bedroom could be nice and dark for me. SO sweet of him to do that for me especially since I kept him up with my whining :)

I have to confess that I'm a little excited today. Our disposal broke and though Neal was able to fix it needs to dry for 24 hours. Our kitchen is a mess and I have TONS of dirty dishes from breakfast and lunch that I can't wash. He said we can just pick something up for supper tonight so that I do not have to make any more of a mess. We don't go out to eat much and any time I do not have to cook I get a little excited these days. Well that's all for are still a bit under the weather and Conner actually asked to take a nap today so now it's a little quiet time for Neal and I to enjoy :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Oh me oh my I'm not sure if Neal will ever let this one go. I was just going through pictures I took today and I noticed something......something that I can not believe I did not notice sooner......I'm also wondering how long did this elude my attention........WHEN DID HE SHAVE DOWN HIS BEARD into a gotee??????????????? I always give him a hard time for never noticing when I re-arrange the furniture or ....ugghhh can't even come up with examples right now but you get my point, just being a man and not noticing things. Well here I go and not notice that he shaved part of his beard off. He will surely give me a hard time when I see him tomorrow and for days to come!!!! He's working tonight and I'm about ready to hit the sack...20 more minutes till the kids bed time then I'm hoping to sleep off the rest of this headache that is still lingering around!!!
 I mean seriously how did I not notice after taking this picture!!!!
Or this one!!!!

Baby BuMp....

Today marks week 17...wawsa.....not sure if I'm excited it's going this quick or nervous or scared or feeling unprepared or unsure or ready to be done or a little of all!!! Tomorrow I will be going in for my appointment and I can't wait!!! I love being able to hear the heartbeat but I'm even more excited about scheduling the ultrasound. Once again I'm doing a vote (it's in the side bar or will be by tonight).....what do you think it will be this time!!! Though the way I'm feeling could mean it might possibly be a girl I still vote for a boy just have this strong feeling it is. 

Going into this pregnancy I was determined to exercise and eat LESS than I had with Ethan I won't even go to Conner's pregnancy because that was just an outrageous amount of weight gain but here I am again finding myself eating well more than necessary though this time it's the only way I can make it through the day without being completely miserable with nausea or throwing up. I can't seem to find the motivation to exercise either though I'm still looking for that motivation each and every day!! I guess it will be a long way to recovery post delivery again :P ALLLLL WORTH IT to me though!!! 

Ohh yeah the baby is moving on a regular basis now those little signs of life!!!


That's so much better.....I can see clearly again :) that was no fun at all. So here we go again....the little project we did was so much fun. Conner loves doing crafty things with his mama.
See more here!!!


I know I promised a post about our project but my head has not stopped pounding since yesterday morning. EVERYTHING the smallest noise makes my head want to explode. Incredibly sick to my stomach and just wanna throw up......hoping it gets better as the day goes on for right now I'm gonna place my head between two pillows to muffle out the sound of Conner putting blocks together!!!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

We never made it to the business to business trick-or-treating yesterday :( the kids were both running fevers and it was cold and rainy here yesterday so I thought it was best we stay home. I did find another free activity for Thursday anyway that may be even more fun!!!

Today was a surprisingly busy day. I put Ethan back in a diaper and we went to meeting this morning then after we headed to Target to see Neal at work and register Conner for his b-day.  They were so busy and I was getting frustrated not being able to get through the isles yet spent well over an hour there mostly because the kids wanted to say hi to their dad but he was just super busy. We then stopped at McDonalds for a happy meal just to find out that it was closed for remodeling but since I promised a happy meal we had to find another place :)  kids ate their lunch and then headed home for naps.....Ethan must have been tired and napped forever while Conner was not interested in a nap today....seems to be happening more often these days. I got supper ready and did some miscalenius things around the house including a quick little project with Conner.....super fun but more on that tomorrow. We ate our supper....which was super yummy I might add. Conner decided to put up a fight again at the dinner table. Neal and I are so fed up that we made him sit at the table till he ate it all gone....we have done this before but it has never worked. He has NEVER given in before. While he sat at the dinner table Neal Ethan and I carved our pumpkins and listened to Conner scream the entire time. 2 and 1/2 hours later Conner finally ate his supper ALL tired of the eating issues.....I'm sure you are all tired of reading that. Ohh wait this blog is more for me than anyone else so I guess if you got a problem with it stop reading.....sorry don't mean to be rude or anything but it's true :) Well on with the pictures!!!!
A little blurry preview of our project....

Scooping out the gush....

Playing with the seeds.....

My handsome bearded guy carving away....

Tired pregnant me and my lil pumpkin....

All finished and lit up....

Hehe....I like this one.....checking out the lights....

Don't ya just love Conner in the background sreaming
