Monday, January 31, 2011


I believe that we are as ready as we can be for baby #3

-we finally agreed on a name
-got the crib set up and baby room ready
-baby clothes are out
-car seat is ready
-packed for the hospital
-got a new car

9 weeks to go.....READY.....we are READY!!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


I mind as well just stay in the kitchen and eat everything in it!!! Hungry hungry girl today :))))


I am seriously considering getting rid of ALLL the toys right now!!! Does anyone else have moments like this!!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I got my card table out this week and set it up in our bedroom. Yes it drives me crazy but it's been so nice just having a place set up to get a few things done and not have to dig it all out every time and put it all away every time. I got some sowing projects done, made some cute flower hair clips, paper flowers, a frame project and even some painting!!! Feels good and very relaxing for me :)

Neal is off this weekend and I am so excited and can't wait. We have a few plans but nothing major just looking forward to the time together. I do want to finish the baby's room tho....get the stuff we need from storage and get it all set up. Maybe even get some baby clothes out, get the car seat washed and get it in the car.

Ohh yeah I never mentioned on here that we FINALLY got a new van.....well it's not new it's a used Chrysler Town and Country. We did not have much of a choice our car went from decent shape to completely falling apart starting with the windshield cracking then completely dying on us. We did not want to fix it because we were not getting anything out of it and needed a new car just hoped it would last longer. We had a rental when we went to MN and it was a van. It worked out so well because it convinced us to go with a van! We LOVE it so far!!! My favorite feature is the sliding automatic nice not to have to walk around doors in the garage and to press the button and the kids can climb in. The SPACE...ohhh the space it has the floor storage in the middle AND in the trunk. I will be able to EASILY take our 2 jogging strollers if I need to with room to spare ohh and the butt warmers and DVD player is pretty nice too :)))) I think we will be very happy with it. I'm officially a mini van mama!!

Time to go snuggle up with my babies then put them to bed :)

Fun trip = TIRED mama...

I would share some pictures but the camera is in the kitchen and I parked my butt in bed and not sure if it's moving again tonight. Anyone wanna come over and feed my kids...haha. I am EXHAUSTED.....does not help that I'm anemic again...happens every time in the 7th month for me. We went to the water park and my kids were addicted to the tube slide which meant that we had to go UP a huge flight of stairs over and over and over and over again and every other turn I had to carry Ethan!!!! My hips and legs and back are not feeling so good right now :))))) All worth it though to see our little boys giggle with delight. I could not believe that Ethan loved the tube slide so much I figured he would have been scared but not at all.

Haha I convinced Conner to go get the camera :) am I terrible mother or what!!!
 Daddy with baby Ethan (yes he is still baby Ethan though he will be 2 in a month) ONLY daddy will do when it comes to playing in the water. He just cries when I try to play with him in the water :) makes daddy feel pretty special.
 The little sprayer things are always a hit!!
 Happy little boy!!!
 This kid just loves water!!!
 Sticking his head in the water!!
 Baby Ethan....he has no idea that his world will be turned upside down soon and he will have to share his mama with a little baby!!
 Ethan is really starting to hold his own with Conner.....simply attacking Conner here!!
 We came up for Pizza and......
 Ethan was simply SPENT.
 Here we come :) I was hoping it would be a water such luck tho!!!

 Neal tried taking both of them at once but he explained the experience as FREAKY so we did not do that again!!!
2 days of fun!!! We have one more night free so we hope to use it up sometime in February or March depending on how things go here. Who knows what's gonna happen right ;)

Well I guess I better get my tushy up and make some supper :) wish Neal was here and did not have to work!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We are getting ready to go to the water park and getting dressed is just getting more and more depressing.  I just simply feel huge and yuckie...I think that pregnant women are beautiful and amazing and awesome and so many other things so why can't I feel that way, why can't I just accept it and enjoy it and feel good in my skin!!! But then do I ever!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Coffee in peace and quiet.....

I'm up before the kids today enjoying a cup of coffee in peace. I'm hoping that they sleep for a while since yesterday was a super busy day and they did not get naps and went to bed kinda late. Another busy day today trying to catch up on some things and going out to get a little NECESSARY shopping done. We are out of those necessities that I hate to buy like diapers, TP, laundry detergent.....I hate buying those things! Then I NEED to clean the house catch up on laundry and pack.

I am ONLY 30 weeks today and ohh my word I am ALREADY 30 weeks pregnant today. I keep going back and forth....the realization really sets in some days that I will be a mommy to 3 boys in 2 months. I am back down to 15 pounds gained.....have had a lot of nausea again and lost A LITTLE weight.  I was up in the middle of the night showering again.....haha.....I'm glad Neal is a sound sleeper most of the time and it does not bother him.

Well I better get dressed and get a little done before the kids wake up so that we can eat and go as soon as we can this morning and get stuff done!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Jammie kind of a day....

Ohh wait we have had many of those lately....jammie days that is : )
 I finally got their jumper thing out!
They had a blast with it all morning!

What a week....

It's been quite the bad peace of news after another and we started the day today with more bad news. Ughh life can really get you down sometimes.

I had a really bad night too. Not sure what is going on at the moment but hopefully nothing serious. I did get up at 2 AM and take a shower hoping to ease things up but it really did not help and I'm still hurting really bad. My Dr. was in a serious car accident so I have to find a new Dr. on Monday as the Dr. they are sending me to is just way too far away. We will be having a very lazy day here today....not doing a thing at all just wish Neal could be home with us doing nothing at all :(

Friday, January 21, 2011


I love it when I go out to the mail box (especially when I have to layer up to go out and get it and hope that I do not turn into an icicle in the short walk to get to it) and I find my favorite magazine in it. I absolutely LOVE the all you magazine. I can't wait to put the kids to bed tonight and make myself a hot cup of tea and enjoy reading it :) It's the V-day special so hoping to get some ideas for our special day :)

Is it weird that I'm excited about this jar. I love candles and I always buy the jar ones because I love to reuse the jars. I use them for all sorts of different things. I have 2 in our bathroom, one I use for cotton swabs the other for flossers. I have one I use for change by our keys. I use them in the kids rooms for crayons and I even use some in the kitchen to store things. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this one but I really like the lid and I think I may paint it a fun bright color. It would make a cute vase too or maybe a candy jar. Yeah I know I'm strange I get excited about silly things like glass candle jars :) Ooooo a red candle with some heart shape candy things around it that would make a cute v-day decoration :)))) this is why I can't sleep at night my head brews up silly ideas like this.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Creativity RoCks.....

This kid is so creative and has an amazing imagination. He cut this heart out all by himself. The other day he drew a picture out of the "Bug House Snug House" book that was just amazing and it was all from memory because we were in the car. He will definitely have a flair for art.

Partners in crime.....

 Double trouble.....take a closer look at their legs and fingers!!! It's called walking talking art!!!
Their pants came off and they used their legs for paper :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Make my day.....

Kids have a way of just making your day without even knowing it. I tried on my swim suit this morning to see if I could get away with wearing it and as I'm checking myself out in the mirror Conner comes up to me and says "mommy you look beautiful in that swim suit" He sure had the perfect timing because I was about to tuck it back in the drawer and say forget it I'm not gonna go swimming. Not that I should take a 4 year old's word but but how can I not take a dive with him in the pool after a sweet comment like that :) Thank you Conner for your sweetness!!!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Spring fever....

Can you tell I have spring fever. My new blog design says it all.....very green....I love it!!! I spent ForEVer trying to figure out how to do a custom font for my post headers but I give up. Snow day = me wasting time on designing my blog so enjoy everyone!!!

By the way dear readers if you have not checked out my food blog lately make sure you do. I recently posted a stuffed shell recipe on there that is AMAZING. 

Monday blues.....

It's dark, it's gloomy, it's cold and it's snowing. I want spring right now more than I have ever before, at least that is how I feel right now. I'm sure dreaming of sandy beaches right now. It's a jammie kind of a day today though the day is just about over. Neal has a dinner date so today it's just me and the kids so I'm thinking soup soup sounds yummy!!!

For now I will just day dream of days we spent at the beach. This was the 1st day of April last year and YES it was 80 degrees out!!! I remember it clearly, it felt so good to bask in the warmth of the sun and play in the sand. The water was ICY cold and the lake was still frozen 2 weeks before then. I am hoping for a miracle and an early spring again this year though I do not see myself at the beach on the 1st day of April with the baby being due April 5th and all :)

Is it too much to ask for this baby to arrive at least a couple weeks early....haha. I know baby needs to cook as long as the baby needs to cook but I am just done being pregnant. I want a comfortable night of sleep again, I want my hips to stop hurting, I want the leg cramps to stop waking me up at night,  I'm ready to have more energy again, I'm ready to put away all the maternity clothes and yes I want my body back. 11 MORE weeks almost there!!! Conner is ready for the baby to make it's appearance as well. Almost every day he asks is the baby ready yet mommy??? He loves to feel the baby move though and it's so sweet to see him excited to meet his little brother.....we all are!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Simple pleasures....

I just convinced Neal to go out and get us ice cream treats...yum...I can't wait. It's been a long long time since i have had ice cream. The kids are all bathed and ready for bed and working on puzzles playing together and giggling and I'm just sitting here thinking about how lucky I am. Life is good :)

28 1/2 weeks....

 I am now almost 29 weeks and feeling ready. My appointments are now every 2 weeks which is a sign that we are getting closer. I put on 7 pounds in 3 weeks which made me really think of what I am eating still well under 20 pounds with 2 1/2 months to go....I can do this I can!!!!
I know this is dark but the profile is kinda neat. I'm hoping to do some belly shots around 30 weeks and hoping that Neal will be willing to cooperate and help :)

Well I had to pay $5 for the entire year for an additional 5 GB of storage on my blog otherwise I would not have been able to upload any more picture. I guess I post a lot of pictures huh?1?!?!?! We are enjoying a super laid back weekend at home. Neals first whole FREE (kinda he had to do some work from home) weekend in a while so it's nice. His brother is coming tonight and tomorrow will be an all day football day for them both. I am planing on doing something after the lunch while the kids are napping maybe go out and do some shopping :)

Neal had to get a video camera for work so we have been having fun with that. It's kinda fun to get the kids recorded. I'm hoping to put some videos on here for you all to enjoy as well. Wow how technology has changed....he came home with this tiny little thing and I thought it was just a digital camera....amazing.

All for tonight....hope that everyone is having a fabulous weekend :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

 It's in full bloom!!!!
There are 3 more coming :)))))

I ran out of space for pictures on my blog!!! Has anyone else come across this problem????? I hope Neal can figure out a way to add more space otherwise I may have to pay money to upgrade:)

Monday, January 10, 2011


No I'm not nesting quite yet I don't think. Every January it seems I get this NEEED to clean and organize. I think it's cabin fever more than anything. I finished going through all our paperwork that needed to be purged and organized from 2010. I went through all my craft things and organized and eliminated. Came up with a huge pile of things to either donate or maybe possibly have a garage sale sometime this spring/summer. I put away ALL the winter decorations :) I find that part funny because I did it this morning and it's snowing outside. I'm SO ready for spring. I wish I had some V-day decorations to put out but I don't have any at all. Might have to see if I can get some on Clearance this year after the fact.

Conner is begging me to go outside and play in the snow today and I'm just dragging my feet. I so do not want to go out and play in the snow. I wish I liked to more for the kids but no matter what I tell myself I just hate it and my winter coat is getting really tight and uncomfortable....hehe pretty soon I will have the excuse that I don't have a coat that fits but for today I might just have to bundle up, suck it up and go try and build a snowman.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


I just got off the phone with my mom and she was teasing me because when she asked me what I was doing I told herI was packing for the hospital. I freaked her out at first till I told her I like to be prepared.

I still have to get the baby room all put together but I need my hubby to go to storage and pick up the necessary peaces for the crib, car seat, and some misc. baby things. I stopped by there this morning but decided that it was best he did that job with how clumsy I am I would end up with boxes falling on me or falling off climbing on something :) Now to convince him that I NEEEEED those things here 12 weeks before the due date will be quite the job in itself....he does not have the same need to be prepared like I do.


I feel like this past year I have been terrible about making special days special for my family and especially Neal. This is one of the things I want to improve on this year by making b-days and other special occasions more important.

Since v-day is coming up I was wondering what your plans are for the day???

Friday, January 7, 2011

Whats making me smile this morning......

1. It is SO close to opening up all the way....I can't wait :))))
2. Loving my little sock slippers they keep my toes nice and warm!!!

3. This did made me super happy this morning till I found out Neal took it with him when he left for work this morning. I opened up a new toothpaste box this morning to find a bonus Burt's Bees chap stick in the box!!!! I LOVE that stuff!!!
 4. Neal came home with this last night :))))) A glass of this for breakfast this morning.....yum!!!

On the agenda for the day......hmmmmmm not sure yet!!! I need to clean the house and catch up on some laundry. I wanted to go and pick up a few groceries but we will see. I took a big tumble yesterday outside. I tripped over a rock and fell forward I did catch myself with my hand and knee but my belly did take a bit of a beating and my knee is really bruised up. Pretty sore right now too.....haha.....I'm such a clumsy person. I hope everyone has a great day!!! I know I will try!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Maybe if I write this down on my blog I will be more motivated to make it come true. I have tons of recipes to great pictures because :

1. it's winter and always dark
2. too lazy to mess with pictures
3. my kids have been keeping me really busy
4. I'm pregnant and yes I'm using it as an excuse:) 

I do want to do one recipe a day till I can catch up and then at least 1-2 a week

Too much praise....

Do not let them fool you with this picture this was only one little moment in time!!! Playing well together is not something that they have been doing well. I believe that I have praised them too much over the holidays for their good behavior. They have been little monsters fighting and screaming 95% of the time. Just a stage .....just a stage.....I keep telling myself that. Whenever one picks up a toy (even if it's a garbage peace of paper or wrapper....not kidding) the other one automatically wants it and puts up a huge fuss. Sharing and playing together is really hard for them right now for some reason. 
Just a stage....

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

27 week baby bump.....

I am now 27 weeks along!!!! My first goal weight wise was to stay under 25 #'s but I'm starting to think that that is very much so unrealistic for ME!!!! Ugh....being pregnant during the holidays is not easy at all. I am up 13 #'s already with 3 months to go. I do most of my growing in the last 3 months so 10 #'s in NOTHING and it will quickly pile on. Once again I am coming to term with this and if I stay in 30 # range I will be happy. I have the spring and summer to work on loosing the weight and it is easier to do so then. I have been feeling really good still. Just my sciatica that is getting a little worst and the usual discomforts of being pregnant. The baby is very active especially at night like my other two babies. Even wakes me up sometimes kicking and doing flips :) I love those :)))))) They make me grin every time. It's simply the best part of pregnancy. I am literally hungry ALLLLL the time but no cravings really. I never really had cravings with Conner and Ethan just want FOOD :) Can't wait to meet this little guy!!! He still needs a name tho!!!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A step closer.....

Ok now I feel a little better. We are one step closer to being ready for baby #3. We finally got a mattress for the top bunk bed so the boys are all set up in Conners room. They slept together in their bunk bed last night for the 1st time!!! They did GREAT and it went much better than I expected. Conner loves the top bed and Ethan feels pretty big sleeping in the big boy boy bed and looks so little sleeping in it :) Now for the big job of making room in Conner's drawers and closet for all of Ethan's stuff!!! That will be my project today!!! Then to set up the baby's room!!! Feels so good to get this stuff finally done....I know that I will be sleeping better now :)
This bed is actually the bed Neal used to share with his brother Mike. How awesome is that. I had a hard time picturing how it fit together. We had the bottom bed and used it when we first got married and got the top bed just a little while ago. It's perfect though I have to admit that I was a bit nervous about Conner sleeping so high up but the rail should keep him from rolling down....I hope....!!!!!

Whats making you smile today......

1. my sweet little boys (always)
2. my loving husband who never leaves the house without a hug and a kiss
3. that my elipticall is fixed
4. the buds that are about to open up and bloom on my hibiscus tree
5. the coffee in my awesome new cup
6. the fact that I can look past the very much so overflowing laundry room full of unfolded/unwashed laundry
7. my baby bump (only till about mid afternoon when I start getting uncomfortable and feeling tired of being pregnant again :) but for now the little peanut is kicking and moving and making me wonder about what he will look like, what he will be like, hoping that he will be healthy and happy)

Just a few things that are making me super happy this morning.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year just around the corner.....

I felt like making a short list this year of things that I want to improve on this next year so bare with me

1. say less and listen more
2. to be more helpful and attentive
3. to be a better mom and wife
4. to care less about a mess and more about my kids and husband (getting better every year)
5. to spend more time being creative
6. though I feel more contentment than I have ever in my entire life it's something that always can sneak up on us so I want to find joy in all the little things that I so often take for granted
8. organize my pictures and work on scrapbooks/baby books
9. do something for those less fortunate (this is something that I want to do more when the kids are in school but there is always little things we can do to help others)
10. not worry so much or stress so much
11. get fit again after the baby and be a healthy example for my kids

It's 2011 Can you believe it. I hope that everyone has a FANTASTIC year.